Rajendra Gupta
Verify default data paths

Store SQL Server files in Persistent Storage for Azure Container Instances

December 10, 2021 by
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In the articles, Deploying Azure Container Instances for SQL Server 2019 and Create Azure Container Instances for SQL Server 2019 using Azure CLI, we explored Azure Container Instances for SQL Server on Linux. These containers are stateless. Therefore, if you stop or restart container instances, you lost your data. Suppose, being a developer, you created a new container database, deployed a few tables, and stored procedures for testing purposes. You do not want to lose these objects or databases even if you destroy your container. Similarly, you also want to reuse those databases if you create a new container instance.

By default, the containers do not allow you to persist data beyond the container lifecycle. However, you can use an external volume for data storage. The Azure container instances can access the Azure file share for persistent data storage simplifies the lift and shift of databases to another cloud container by remapping the file share. This file share can be accessed from the container instances.

This article configures a persisted storage using Azure files in the Azure Container Instance.

  • Note: You require a basic understanding of Azure Container instances, Azure CLIs. If you are not familiar, refer to earlier articles(refer to TOC at the bottom) on SQLShack

Steps to persist storage in Azure container Instance

Step 1: Authenticate to Azure using CLI

Launch the Windows PowerShell and run command – az login. It opens our default browser for entering credentials interactively.

Authenticate using Azure CLI

Step 2: Create an Azure Storage Account

In this step, we create a new storage account for hosting the file share. The CLI command az storage account creates uses the following parameters.

  • Resource group: Enter the resource group name in which you want to deploy your storage account
  • Name: It is the globally unique storage account name
  • Location: In this parameter, we specify the location where we want to deploy the storage account
  • SKU: Here, we specify the storage type. The supported values are
    • Premium_LRS: Provisioned IO Locally Redundant Storage
    • Premium_ZRS: Provisioned IO Locally Redundant Storage
    • Standard_GRS: Standard Geo Replicated Storage
    • Standard_GZRS: Provisioned IO Locally Redundant Storage
    • Standard_LRS: Standard Locally Redundant Storage
    • Standard_RAGRS: Standard Read-Access Geo Replicated Storage
    • Standard_RAGZRS: Provisioned IO Locally Redundant Storage
    • Standard_ZRS: Standard Zone Redundant Storage

The script uses variables for assigning values for these parameters. We will use these parameters for the remaining steps of this article.

The script creates the storage account [azurepersiststore] and returns the JSON metadata in the CLI console, as shown below.

Create the storage account

Step 3: Create Azure file share

The Azure file share uses the CLI command – az storage share create and requires parameters share name and azure storage account name.

The script returns output – “Created: true” as shown below.

Create Azure file share

Step 4: Get key for Azure Storage account

Azure automatically generates an access key for authentication. You require the access key while using the file share. The Azure CLI command az storage account keys list returns all access keys for the specified storage account name.

Get key for Azure Storage account

Step 5: Deploy container with Azure file share as persisted mount volume

In the article,Create Azure Container Instances for SQL Server 2019 using Azure CLI, we explored the Azure CLI script to deploy Azure Container Instance with SQL Server 2019 Linux image.

The script uses the az container create command with the following parameters.

  • Resource group: It is the resource group for Azure Container Instance
  • Name Azure container instance name
  • Image: Specify the image for SQL Server that we want to use with this container. Here, we use SQL Server 2019 CU12 on Ubuntu 20.04 image
  • Environment variable: The environment variables specifies accepting license terms and SA password
  • IP address: We choose public to get a public IP address for connecting it over the internet
  • DNS name label: The DNS name is the FQDN of the container SQL instance for connecting without the IP address
  • CPU, Memory: SQL Server on Linux requires a minimum of 2 GB CPU and memory

The above parameters are required to create the non-persisted container instance in Azure. The persisted Azure container instance maps the Azure file share with the following parameters:

  • azure file volume account name: Specify the Azure storage account name in this parameter
  • azure file volume account key: Enter the key that we retrieved in step 4
  • azure file volume share name: Specify the Azuree file share name
  • Azure file volume mount path: Here, specify a mount volume path in the Azure Linux container

Once you execute this command, it creates an Azure Container instance and maps the Azure file share as a volume mount point. It takes 1-2 minutes for resource deployment.

Deploy container with Azure file share as persisted mount volume

It returns the Azure container configuration, and its metadata in the JSON format as the command az container create output.

Azure Container configuration

Step 6: Get container FQDN and connect using SSMS

To connect with Azure Container SQL Server instance, use a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) or public IP address in SQL Server Management Studio(SSMS).

The following CLI command az container show returns FQDN as shown below.

container FQDN and connect using SSMS

Use the FQDN and SA credentials in SSMS for connecting to databases.

Connection details

Right-click on the container instance and verify the default database location. As shown below, the default location is in /var/opt/mssql/data. It means SQL Server is not using the persisted storage as of now.

Verify default data paths

You can also browse to the Azure storage account and file share to verify any database files created in it. As shown below, the file share is empty.

File shares

File share data

Step 7: Create a SQL Database on the persistent storage

In step 5, we mounted the azure file share as /aci/logs in Linux. Therefore, we can use the mount point for storing the database files.

The following create database script specifies the primary data file (MDF) and the transaction log file (LDF) in the mount file /aci/logs. It is an external persisted storage that does not end with the container lifecycle.

Create a new database in persisted storage

You can verify the database files using the sp_helpfile system procedure.

Verify DB files

Earlier the azure file share was empty. Now, we can see database MDF and LDF files stored in it.

Azure file share contains DB files

Let’s create a sample table [Employees] and insert a record in it.

View records

Step 8: Destroy the container

Until this point, we have deployed an Azure Container Instance with SQL Server 2019 Linux image. Further, we created a database [MyTestDB] and table in it.

Now, we want to test the persistence storage in the container. Therefore, let’s destroy the container using CLI command az container delete.

Destroy the container

Once you dropped the container, verify the database files stored in the file share. The file still exists because it was not part of the container lifecycle.

DB file exists

Step 9: Create a new Azure container Instance

This step creates a new Azure container instance and use the earlier created persisted azure file share. The new container name is [newazuresqlcontainer].

Create a new Azure container Instance

Step 10: Verify database connection to new Azure container

Retrieve the public IP address of the new container and connect to SQL Server instance using SSMS.

Verify database connection to new Azure container

The sp_helpdb returns the existing databases. We used the old azure persistent storage, but it does not show [MyTestDB] in the list.

View system DB

Oh! did I lose my database even after persistence storage?

To verify the files, click on connect in the container dashboard. The mount point shows both data and logs files in the /aci/logs.

Container logs

The database does not come up automatically because the new instance master database does not have a record in the system tables. Therefore, we need to attach the database using the below CREATE DATABASE ..FOR ATTACH script.

Attach database on persisted storage

Now, query the [Employees] table. Hurrey, we have data from the table created in the previous container using the Azure file share container instance.

Verify the records


This article explored using persistent Azure file share for storing your database files or backups. The persistent storage helps you to retain databases, backups, or files whether the container is stopped, restarted, or crashed.

Table of contents

Deploying Azure Container Instances for SQL Server 2019
Create Azure Container Instances for SQL Server 2019 using Azure CLI
Store SQL Server files in Persistent Storage for Azure Container Instances

See more

For a collection of SQL tools for Azure SQL Database, see ApexSQL Azure tools


Rajendra Gupta
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