This article will show the basics of hosting MySQL databases in Amazon Web Services (AWS).
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This article will show the basics of hosting MySQL databases in Amazon Web Services (AWS).
Read more »In this article, we’ll show a process for SQL Server performance tuning, and several tools, tips and techniques you can use to monitor performance and take the necessary steps to improve it.
Read more »This article provides a quick overview of Azure Machine Learning, an end-to-end cloud framework that can help you build, manage and deploy up to thousands of machine learning models. We provide a quick tutorial that shows how to take your existing, pre-trained machine learning models and migrate them into the Azure ML framework.
Read more »Database administrators can leverage the scalability, automation, and flexibility of Kubernetes to create a highly available SQL database cluster. In this article, you will learn what Kubernetes is, what are the benefits of running an SQL database on Kubernetes, and how to deploy MySQL on Kubernetes.
Read more »In this article, you will learn about Azure SQL Database and its uses. Then the article splits into two sets of tutorials. The first part will show you how to create a single database in Azure SQL Database. The second tutorial will show you how to build an ASP.NET app in Azure SQL Database.
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