BI performance counter: Memory Usage KB

Applies to



This performance counter relates to the measurement of Analysis Services internal server memory.

It monitors, in kilobytes, the total virtual memory usage for the server process. The total virtual memory is calculated by adding up page files and physical memory.

The value of this metric should be similar to what you get when you run performance counter Process\PrivateBytes for msmdsrv.exe. This metric will give you an accurate picture of Analysis Services memory usage than looking at Windows Task Manager.

Resolved by

DBAs, Server administrators

Suggested solutions

  1. Add more physical memory to the computer
  2. Install latest SQL Server service packs
  3. Monitor your memory usage using DMVs
  4. Consider changing the value of “LimitSystemFileCacheSizeMB” property according to your RAM requirements

Additional research

Analysis Services 2005 – Performance Counter Guidance
General monitoring for SQL Server Analysis Services using Performance Monitor
Cleaner Memory KB Perfmon Counter is Wacky
Performance Counters (SSAS)

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