Dinesh Asanka

Building Ensemble Classifiers in Azure Machine Learning

September 21, 2021 by
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This article is the newest addition to the article series of Azure Machine Learning which is Ensemble classifiers in Azure Machine Learning. During this article discussion, we have focused on data cleaning and feature selection techniques of Machine Learning. Further, we have discussed several machine learning tasks in Azure Machine Learning such as Classification, Clustering, Regression, Recommender System and Time Series Anomaly Detection. Further, we discussed AutoML features that are available with Azure Machine Learning Services. In the AutoML techniques, we have identified how to utilize Classification in AutoML. This article is an extension of the classification techniques that we discussed before.

What are Ensemble Classifiers in Azure Machine Learning

As you can see in the following figure, there are many two-class classification techniques that are available in Azure Machine Learning:

two-class classification techniques that are available in Azure Machine Learning.

Every data modeler will have the question of how to select the best algorithms out of these available algorithms. In classification, we can use accuracy, Precision, Recall, F1 Measure, ROC curve in order to choose the best classification technique. This means that we will choose a single technique by comparing the evaluation parameters.

In ensemble Classifiers, we will look at how to perform predictions using multiple classification techniques so that it can produce better models with higher accuracy or they can avoid overfitting. This is equivalent to a patient that is referring multiple specialist doctors to diagnosis a disease rather than relies on one doctor.

The following diagram shows how the ensemble classification is designed.

Ensemble classification diagram.

As you can see from the above diagram that multiple classifiers are combined in order to define an Ensemble classification.

Building the standard Classifier using Azure Machine Learning

Let us first build standard classification using Azure machine learning as we discussed in a previous article. Following is the experiment that was build to achieve the above said target and this experiment can be found at Classifiers with Two-Class Bayes Point Machine.

Standard Classification Model in Azure Machine Learning.

Let us quickly understand how the configurations are done to build the above classifier. First, we have selected the Adventureworks dataset which has been using during this article series. Then we have removed the unnecessary columns such as names and addresses by using the Select Columns in Dataset as those columns will not impact the prediction. Then the Salary and Age columns were normalized using the MinMax transformation method using the Normalize Data control. Next, the Edit Metadata control is used to indicate that CustomerKey should be removed from the classifier feature as the CustomerKey does not contribute to the classification but we need the Customer Key to join the dataset.

Then the data was split for 70/30 percentage in order to perform Training and Testing. Then the Train Model is used with the Two-Class classification technique. Then, the Score model and Evaluate model controls are used to measure the performance of the built models and the following are the evaluation parameters for the built models.

Evaluation parameters for the built models.

Configuring Ensemble Classifiers in Azure Machine Learning

Let us see how we can extend the standard classification to Ensemble Classifiers in Azure Machine Learning. Before we discuss the details of this configuration, you can view or download the experiment from Ensemble Classification

The following figure shows the complex layout of the Ensemble Classifiers in Azure Machine Learning. Experiment for Ensemble Classifiers in Azure Machine Learning

Please note that due to the complex nature, the experiment layout may not be visible so you may have to view the experiment from the Azure AI Gallery.

Following are the Azure Machine Learning controls that we have used for Ensemble Classifiers in Azure Machine Learning.


Usage & Desription


This control will start with the dataset and the adventure dataset will be used.

Select Columns in Dataset

This control will use to select columns from the existing dataset as all the attributes are not required for the next level.

Normalize Data

The MinMax normalization technique was used to normalize the annual income and age of the customers.

Edit Metadata

This control was used for two reasons.

  1. To remove CustomerKey from the classification variables.
  2. Rename attributes for better usability.

Split Data

Since this is a classification technique, we need two separate datasets to Train and Test the model. This control is used to split data for the Train/Test dataset with the 70/30 distribution.

Two-Class Boosted Decision Tree

These five classification algorithms are used for ensemble Classifiers in Azure Machine Learning.

Two-Class Neural Network

Two-Class Support Vector Machine

Two-Class Logistic Regression

Two-Class Decision Jungle

Train Model

Five controls of Train models were used to train the dataset from the above Classification techniques.

Score Model

Testing for each classification algorithms was done using the Score Model.

Evaluate Model

Evaluate model was used to evaluate accuracy for each classification technique.

Join Data

Join Data control is used to join the data streams that are streaming from five different classification training models.

Apply SQL Transformation

SQL Query is used to derive the classification of ensemble classification. This experiment has used two of these controls to define the classification for two different methods, voting and weighing.

Execute Python Script

A python script was written to calculate the different classification evaluation parameters such as accuracy, precision, recall and F1 measure for the ensemble Classification.

Now let us look at how to create an experiment for Ensemble Classifiers in Azure Machine learning. In this experiment, five two-class classification techniques are used. One of the configurations (Two-Class Boosted Decision Tree) of five configurations is shown in the following figure.

Classfication using Two-Class Boosted Decision Tree

The output of the above data stream after the Select Columns in Dataset is shown in the below figure.

Prediction of Bike Buyer using Two-Class Boosted Decision Tree technqiue.

CustomerKey is the key to identify the customer and the Bike buyer attribute is the actual value for the Bike buyer. DT_Labels indicate the prediction of bike buyers from the Decision Trees and DT_Probs indicate the probability of the prediction.

This was done for four other two-class classification techniques that are Two-Class Neural Network, Two-Class Support Vector Machine, Two-Class Logistic Regression and Two-Class Decision Jungle. After the prediction is completed for all the five classification techniques, all were joined together using the Join Data control and the output is following.

Prediction of Bike buyer using different classification techniques.

The next step is the application of Ensemble techniques after five classifications are done.

The first technique to define the Ensemble Classifiers is the voting technique. This means that out of the five classifications, the final classification will be dependent on the maximum votes. For example, out of five classifications, if three or more classifications are classified as Yes for the bike buyer, the ensemble classification would be yes.

The next technique is to define the ensemble classification depending on the weights for each technique. Different weights are assigned depending on the accuracy as shown in the below table.




Two-Class Boosted Decision Tree



Two-Class Neural Network



Two-Class Support Vector Machine



Two-Class Logistic Regression



Two-Class Decision Jungle



The following image shows the last part of this experiment.

The final steps of the Ensemble Classifiers in Azure Machine Learning experiment.

Both Apply SQL Transformation controls are used to convert existing values to ensemble classifiers. The first query is for the voting and the second query is for the weightage techniques.

After ensemble classification is defined the next option is the calculate different classification evaluation parameters in the below-listed python script.

The following are the evaluation parameters for the different Ensemble Classification techniques.

Evaluation parameters for the different Ensemble Classification techniques


Ensemble Classifiers in Azure Machine Learning is an improved technique of classification where it combines multiple classifications. This technique will introduce higher accuracy and avoid overfitting in classification. This article has introduced techniques of ensemble classifiers which are voted and weighted.

Table of contents

Introduction to Azure Machine Learning using Azure ML Studio
Data Cleansing in Azure Machine Learning
Prediction in Azure Machine Learning
Feature Selection in Azure Machine Learning
Data Reduction Technique: Principal Component Analysis in Azure Machine Learning
Prediction with Regression in Azure Machine Learning
Prediction with Classification in Azure Machine Learning
Comparing models in Azure Machine Learning
Cross Validation in Azure Machine Learning
Clustering in Azure Machine Learning
Tune Model Hyperparameters for Azure Machine Learning models
Time Series Anomaly Detection in Azure Machine Learning
Designing Recommender Systems in Azure Machine Learning
Language Detection in Azure Machine Learning with basic Text Analytics Techniques
Azure Machine Learning: Named Entity Recognition in Text Analytics
Filter based Feature Selection in Text Analytics
Latent Dirichlet Allocation in Text Analytics
Recommender Systems for Customer Reviews
AutoML in Azure Machine Learning
AutoML in Azure Machine Learning for Regression and Time Series
Building Ensemble Classifiers in Azure Machine Learning
Text Classification in Azure Machine Learning using Word Vectors

See more

For a collection of SQL tools for Azure SQL Database, see ApexSQL Azure tools


Dinesh Asanka