Hadi Fadlallah
Building the project

Building SSAS tabular models using Biml

March 30, 2021 by
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This article will explain how to use the Business Intelligence Markup Language to create an SSAS tabular model.


As mentioned in the previous article, using Biml to create SSAS databases is only available using BimlStudio. You can refer to this article, Building SSAS OLAP cubes using Biml, to learn more about installing and getting started with this product.

In the previous article, we started from an article already published on a different website. One of the motivations to write this article is that I didn’t find any similar article covering this topic. The only resource you may refer to is the Biml Book, noting that some of the code used in this article is taken from this book.

This article will explain how to build the SSAS tabular model using the BimlStudio user interface. We will check the generated Biml scripts at the end to learn how the tabular model can be defined. Note that there are some steps that we need to write the Biml code manually since not all features are available in the user interface.

Before getting started, If you are not familiar with the SQL Server Analysis Services or don’t know the difference between tabular and multidimensional models, you can refer to the following articles:

This tutorial is done using the AdventureWorksDW2017 sample database.

Getting things ready

First of all, we open BimlStudio and create a Blank project. Then we should define the working environment of the SSAS tabular model. We will add a Biml script file named “Environment.biml” containing information about the data source connection and database objects. We didn’t mention the schema like in the previous article since it will be generated automatically when importing tables from the SQL Server database. The script should look like the following:

After adding the Biml script, we should change its status from “Reference” to “Live”. To do so, right-click on the script file in the “Project View” and click on “BimlStudio Action > Live” as shown in the following image:

Changing Biml script mode to "Live."

Figure 1 – Changing Biml script mode to “Live.”

In the Logical View, the data source connection, table, and schema defined within the Biml script file should be recognized by BimlStudio.

Data source connections and objects recognized

Figure 2 – Data source connections and objects recognized

The next step is to provide the data source tables that we need to build the SSAS tabular model. Since we are using the AdventureWorkdsDW2017 sample database, we will import tables to avoid defining them manually.

On the logical view, within the “Relational” tree node, right-click on the “Tables” folder and click on “import Tables”.

Importing tables

Figure 3 – Importing tables

After clicking on the “Import Tables” button, the tables import dialog is shown.

Import Tables dialog

Figure 4 – Import Tables dialog

In the table import dialog, select the source connection and the project database we defining in the “Environment.biml” file we created previously. Then, make sure the check the “Keys” check box since they are required to define a tabular table (will be illustrated later). You can also import the computed columns and default values.

After clicking on the “Import” button, the selected tables and their schemas are added to the project as shown below.

Tables and schemas added to the project

Figure 5 – Tables and schemas added to the project

Defining Tabular tables

After defining the connections and data source objects (database, schema, tables), we should define those tables as SSAS tabular model tables. To do so, in the Logical view tab, double click on a table to open the table design. As shown in the image below, in the top menu, click on the “Tabular” icon.

Use table in SSAS tabular model

Figure 6 – Use table in SSAS tabular model

Once the button is clicked, a combo box will appear in the table design form. Select the tabular table you need to associate with this table. This step should be repeated for each table needed in the SSAS tabular model we are building.

Analysis Services configuration combo box

Figure 7 – Analysis Services configuration combo box

After defining tabular tables, they should appear in the “Tabular tables” folder within the “Logical View” tree.

Tabular tables are shown in the Logical View tab

Figure 8 – Tabular tables are shown in the Logical View tab

Configuring Tabular tables

One more step to configure tabular tables. The Tabular tables configuration consists of the following tasks:

  • Define the mapping between tabular columns and source tables columns
  • Define partitions
  • Define measures

The tabular table configuration is not available via the BimlStudio user interface. It should be done using Biml scripts. In the logical view, double click on a table and click on “View in Biml Editor”.

View table script  in Biml Editor

Figure 9 – View table script in Biml Editor

In the Biml editor, you can check that the tabular configuration is empty.

Empty tabular configuration

Figure 10 – Empty tabular configuration

What we will do is to replace the empty Tabular element with the following code for the “DimDate” table:

For the DimEmployee table, we will use the following code:

For the FactSalesQuota, we will use the following code:

It is recommended to define partitions rather than using the AutoCreateSinglePartition=true option since partitioning will improve management and processing performance.

Defining the Tabular model

After defining the tabular tables, we should create a tabular model to define those tables’ relationships. To add a new tabular mode, on the top menu, go to the “Home” menu, and click on the “Tabular model” button.

Adding an SSAS tabular model

Figure 11 – Adding a tabular model

Clicking on the button will add a new Tabular model to the logical view treen, and it will open a new Biml script editor, as shown below:

Biml script editor

Figure 12 – Biml script editor

Let’s add the following Biml code:

In the code above, we defined the tabular table that we need to use in the model within the “Tables” elements. In addition, the relationship between those tables must be defined within the “Relationships” elements, where each relationship should mention the columns used to join both tables.

One thing worth mentioning is that the code above will add all columns defined in the tables into the SSAS tabular model we are creating. This is why we can use the “Perspectives” tags to creates a subset of tabular objects from an original tabular model.

Let’s try to add the following code within the Tabular Model we defined previously.

Creating a Tabular project

To deploy the SSAS tabular model we created to a database, we should create a Tabular project. To do so, we should click on the “Tabular Project” button in the “Home” tab within the top menu, as shown below.

Creating a Tabular project

Figure 13 – Creating a Tabular project

Clicking on this button will add a Tabular Project object into the “Logical View” tree and open a Biml script editor as shown in the following image.

Tabular project added

Figure 14 – Tabular project added

We used the following code to connect the tabular project to the SQL Server Analysis Server.

Building project

To build the project, click on the “Build” button to generate the SSAS tabular model objects and needed DDL SQL Statements.

Building the project

Figure 15 – Building the project

Now, if we go to the project output directory, two folders were created:

  1. DDL: contains the SQL Statement to build the data source objects defined
  2. SSAS: contains the SSAS database objects generated

Output directory

Figure 16 – Output directory

In the DDL directory, we will find the generated SQL DDL statement to create the database objects.

generated DDL statements

Figure 17 – generated DDL statements

In the SSAS directory, we will find an SSAS tabular project solution.

Created SSAS tabular model solution

Figure 18 – Created tabular model solution


This article is last on in the “Learn Biml” series. We covered how to use this language to define and build SQL Server database objects, integration services packages, and SSAS tabular and multidimensional models.

Table of contents

Getting started with Biml
Converting SSIS packages to Biml scripts
Using Biml scripts to generate SSIS packages
Extending Biml with C# scripts
Using external C# script files within Biml
Biml alternatives: Building SSIS packages programmatically using ManagedDTS
Biml alternatives: Building SSIS packages programmatically using EzAPI
Building databases using Biml
Building SSAS OLAP cubes using Biml
Building SSAS tabular models using Biml

See more

For an SSAS cube and database documentation tool, consider ApexSQL Doc, which can document both Multidimensional and Tabular databases in different output formats e.g. HTML, PDF, Word etc.


Hadi Fadlallah
Analysis Services (SSAS), Biml

About Hadi Fadlallah

Hadi is an SQL Server professional with more than 10 years of experience. His main expertise is in data integration. He's one of the top ETL and SQL Server Integration Services contributors at Stackoverflow.com . Also, he published several article series about Biml, SSIS features, Search engines, Hadoop, and many other technologies. Besides working with SQL Server, he worked with different data technologies such as NoSQL databases, Hadoop, Apache Spark. He is a MongoDB, Neo4j, and ArangoDB certified professional. On the academic level, Hadi holds two master's degrees in computer science and business computing. Currently, he is a Ph.D. candidate in data science focusing on Big Data quality assessment techniques. Hadi really enjoys learning new things everyday and sharing his knowledge. You can reach him on his personal website. View all posts by Hadi Fadlallah