Ben Richardson

Sequence Objects in SQL Server

March 22, 2018 by

Sequence objects are used to sequentially generate numeric values. They were introduced in SQL Server 2012.

Sequence objects are similar to the IDENTITY column in any SQL table. However, unlike the IDENTITY column, they are independent and are not attached to any table. Sequence objects are used both independently and within the DML statements i.e. INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE.

This article will take a detailed look at sequence objects.

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SQL formatter tools

March 8, 2018 by

This collection of content will provide an overview of SQL formatter tools, with product page links for each of the tools. If you noticed a SQL formatter tool we missed, please let us know in the comments below.

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Daniel Calbimonte

How to upload multiple images to SQL Server

March 6, 2018 by


Sometimes we need to store information including photos in our database. For example, the photo of the product, the photo of the team members. But how can we store images in SQL Server?

We could create an application in .NET or Java, but if we do not have experience in those programming languages, we could use SQL Server tools to do it.

In this new article, we will learn the following tips that will help us to work with images including how to:

  • insert one image into SQL Server
  • store multiple files into a table
  • verify that the images were inserted
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Ahmad Yaseen

SQL Server table hints – WITH (NOLOCK) best practices

February 14, 2018 by

SQL Server table hints are a special type of explicit command that is used to override the default behavior of the SQL Server query optimizer during the T-SQL query execution This is accomplished by enforcing a specific locking method, a specific index or query processing operation, such index seek or table scan, to be used by the SQL Server query optimizer to build the query execution plan. The table hints can be added to the FROM clause of the T-SQL query, affecting the table or the view that is referenced in the FROM clause only.

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Esat Erkec

How to use sargable expressions in T-SQL queries; performance advantages and examples

December 22, 2017 by

The challenge

One of the main tasks of a SQL Server database administrator is performance tuning. Sometimes, though, coders or developers don’t always prioritize database performance or query optimization. Here is a typical scenario

  • Imagine that developers create a new table and then insert some records in a test environment and test their queries to retrieve data from it
  • The query executed successfully and does not exhibit any symptoms of performance problems
  • The developer team release this table and query into production
  • One day you take a telephone from your colleague and he says my report is very slow
  • Bingo! In production, this table contains a lot of records and this is resulting in performance bottlenecks when querying it
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Ahmad Yaseen

What to choose when assigning values to SQL Server variables: SET vs SELECT T-SQL statements

November 29, 2017 by

SQL Server provides us with two methods in T-SQL to assign a value to a previously created local SQL variable. The first method is the SET statement, the ANSI standard statement that is commonly used for variable value assignment. The second statement is the SELECT statement. In addition to its main usage to form the logic that is used to retrieve data from a database table or multiple tables in SQL Server, the SELECT statement can be used also to assign a value to a previously created local variable directly or from a variable, view or table.

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Sifiso Ndlovu

ETL optimization using SQL TRY Functions

October 24, 2017 by


An enterprise data warehouse ETL solution typically includes, amongst other steps, a data transformation step that converts source data from one data type into another. It is during this step that type conversion errors may occur and depending on the type of exception handling techniques implemented in the ETL solution (or lack thereof), frustration may occur for both ETL developers and DBAs when trying to identify and resolve type conversion errors. In this article we take a look at a trio of SQL TRY built-in functions that were introduced in SQL Server 2012, namely, TRY_PARSE, TRY_CAST, and TRY_CONVERT and how they could be utilized to reduce type conversion errors in ETL solutions and thereby saving developers needless troubleshooting exercise.

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Prashanth Jayaram

Monitoring SQL Server database status changes using T-SQL and PowerShell scripts

October 17, 2017 by

Monitoring a SQL Server database is a critical component of database administration. Ninety percent of the organizations expect the number of databases to increase over the next twelve months. An increase in data volumes can have negative effects on the availability of databases. Hence, SQL Server database monitoring is considered a critical responsibility of a database administrator. Organizations tend to spend a lot of their funds towards enterprise solutions. And due to the sensitive and growing nature of business and user needs, application availability is very important nowadays.

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Prashanth Jayaram

How to configure Always Encrypted in SQL Server 2016 using SSMS, PowerShell and T-SQL

October 2, 2017 by

In an era of remote storage and retrieval of data, including the cloud, data security plays a vital role, especially since it’s vulnerable during the transit. Situations like database backup or copy from or to the cloud, there is always a risk of data exposure to outside world lurking around one corner or the other. We have seen a noticeable surge in the technologies around protection and security of data from the world full of unsafe hands. Efforts are being made to protect data at a very granular level of the encryption hierarchy. Protection of business data cannot be stressed upon more.

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Marko Zivkovic

How to create a linked server to an Azure SQL database

September 27, 2017 by

Linked servers allow to access data from another SQL Server or another data source (e.g. Excel) by using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) or Transact-SQL.

This article will explain how to create and configure a linked server to retrieve data from an Azure SQL database. Also, we will explain how to solve some common problems/issues during the process of creating a linked server to an Azure SQL database.

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Prashanth Jayaram

Planning a SQL Server Backup and Restore strategy in a multi-server environment using PowerShell and T-SQL

August 15, 2017 by


Database availability is critical to every enterprise and conversely, unavailability directly can create a severe negative impact to the business in today’s world. As database administrators, it is important that we ensure we take all possible steps to minimize data loss. While it is naïve to think that our databases are invincible because of all such precautions, we can always aim to bring the databases back into operation as quickly as possible by meeting the RPO and RTO. This way, the business is unaffected, and we also meet our SLAs.

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Ahmad Yaseen


July 4, 2017 by

In the previous article of this two-part series SQL Server SET Options that Affect the Query Result – SET ANSI_NULLS, SET ANSI_PADDING, SET ANSI_WARNINGS and SET ARITHABORT, we described the first four SQL Server SET options and showed practically how setting these options ON and OFF affects the SQL Server Database Engine behavior and the query result. To recall, SQL Server SET options are a group of session-level options that control how the SQL Server behaves on the database session level, and the option value can be changed using the SET T-SQL command for the current session that you execute the SET command on.

In this article, we will describe another five SET options and see how turning it ON and OFF will change the SQL Server behavior and the query result.

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Ahmad Yaseen


June 30, 2017 by

SQL Server provides us with a number of options to control SQL Server behavior on the connection level. These session-level options are configured using the SET T-SQL command that change the option value for the session on which the SET command is executed. Changing the default value of these session-level configuration affects how the session queries will be executed affecting the query result. The performed change on a session-level option will be applied to the current session until its value is reset or until the current user’s session is terminated.

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Sifiso Ndlovu

How to calculate work days and hours in SQL Server

June 26, 2017 by

Like any other enterprise RDBMS system, SQL Server ships with several built-in functions that make developers’ T-SQL code clean, convenient and reusable. To demonstrate the efficiency of functions, say we needed to retrieve a server name for one of our SQL Server instances. Well, one of doing this would be to write a SELECT statement that would query the system view [sys].[servers] from the master database as shown in Script 1.

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Sifiso Ndlovu

Understanding the Impact of NOLOCK and WITH NOLOCK Table Hints in SQL Server

June 6, 2017 by

Every once in a while, SQL Server database administrators find themselves in disagreements with their application developer counterparts – particularly when it comes to some of the latter’s Transact SQL (T-SQL) developmental practices. One of my first observations when I joined my current employer is that almost all T-SQL scripts written by application developers uses the NOLOCK table hint. However, from the interactions that I have had with these esteemed developers it doesn’t seem like they understand how the NOLOCK table hint works. Furthermore, although they seem to be aware of a distinction between NOLOCK and the WITH NOLOCK table hint, they again do not seem to comprehend how the two differ from one another. In this article, I explore the internal workings of the NOLOCK table hint and examine the implications of omitting the WITH keyword.

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Jefferson Elias

T-SQL as an asset to set-based programming approach

April 27, 2017 by


This article is the third and last one of a series of articles that aims to introduce set-based programming approach inside SQL Server, so using Transact SQL. In first article “An introduction to set-based vs procedural programming approaches in T-SQL”, we’ve compared procedural and set-based approaches and came to the conclusion that the second one can facilitate developer or DBA’s life. In second article “From mathematics to SQL Server, a fast introduction to set theory”, we’ve made the parallel between mathematical definition of set theory and its implementation in SQL Server. Now, we’ll discuss about some other features from T-SQL that can’t be left aside when considering sets.

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Timothy Smith

T-SQL for DBAs – Three ways of using T-SQL for quick data analysis

April 26, 2017 by


As a database administrator, sometimes you need to identify details about a problem as quickly as possible and being able to build and analyze data for analysis will help you solve the problem. From getting information about the latest backups, to saving information about waits or indexes and comparing that to other captured metrics, we will run into issues where being able to get, store and analyze data are important for decisions to solve urgent problems.

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Samir Behara
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SQL Server Code Review Checklist for Developers

April 26, 2017 by

In a software development life cycle, Code Review plays an integral role in improving the product quality. Having a Code Review Checklist is indispensable since it ensures that the best practices are followed and reviews are performed consistently. It is essential for developers to be aware of the coding guidelines while working on their code changes. Catching a bug early in the process is inexpensive and easier to resolve, than compared with a bug caught later in the game. Having all the common mistakes added to the checklist document is a great way to create awareness and ensure good code quality over a period of time.

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