Machine learning

Dinesh Asanka
Multiclass classificaiton for comparison in Azure Machine Learning.

Comparing models in Azure Machine Learning

November 23, 2020 by


After discussing a few algorithms and techniques with Azure Machine Learning let us discuss techniques of comparison in Azure Machine Learning in this article. During this series of articles, we have discussed the basic cleaning techniques, feature selection techniques and Principal component analysis, etc. After discussing Regression and Classification analysis let us focus more on performing comparison in Azure Machine Learning.

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Dinesh Asanka
The Sample experiment for the Classification technique.

Prediction with Classification in Azure Machine Learning

October 30, 2020 by


After discussing Regression in the previous article, let us discuss the techniques for Classification in Azure Machine learning in this article. Like regression, classification is also the common prediction technique that is being used in many organizations. Before the regression we have discussed basic cleaning techniques, feature selection techniques and Principal component analysis in previous articles, now we will be looking at data classification techniques in azure machine learning in this article.

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Dinesh Asanka
Experiement configuration is Azure ML Studio.

Introduction to Azure Machine Learning using Azure ML Studio

June 18, 2020 by


Let us see how Azure ML studio can be used to create machine learning models and how to consume them in this series. As we discussed during the data mining series, we identified the challenges in the predictions in data. In the Azure Machine learning platform, machine learning workflows can be defined in easy scale models in the cloud environment. Today will be looking at how datasets can be uploaded.

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Esat Erkec

How to use JSON data in Azure Machine Learning

November 9, 2018 by

Azure Machine Learning (also known as Azure ML) is cloud-based machine learning solution of Microsoft. Microsoft Azure Machine Learning is a fully-managed cloud-based service that provides the ability to create and train predictive analytic solutions. Another advantage of Azure ML is that you can access and easily make changes anywhere in machine learning models with help of Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Studio.

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Ben Richardson

Machine Learning Services – Configuring R Services in SQL Server

October 25, 2018 by

The R language is one of the most popular languages for data science, machine learning services and computational statistics. There are several IDEs that allow seamless R development. Owing to the growing popularity of the R language, R services have been included by Microsoft in SQL Server 2016 onwards. In this article, we will briefly review how we can integrate R with SQL Server 2017. We will see the installation process and will also execute the basic R commands in SQL Server 2017.

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Esat Erkec

How to develop a K-Means model on Azure Machine Learning Studio

January 30, 2018 by

In this article, we will discuss the k-means algorithm and how can we develop a k-means model on Azure Machine Learning Studio.

Machine learning is an area of ​​artificial intelligence that helps us develop relationships between data and predict the future. There are many secrets that are hidden in the data. To discover these secrets, we need Machine Learning algorithms. Machine learning plays the key role in leveraging existing data to exploit business opportunities.

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Esat Erkec

How to integrate SQL Server and Azure Machine Learning

January 11, 2018 by

Good, clean and reliable data is important for every company, because well-analyzed data will open new possibilities to success. When we look at successful companies, we see that they’ve analyzed customers, sales, and finance data very well. At this point, a game changer enters: machine learning.

Machine learning

Machine learning is a type of artificial intelligence which analyzes data in order to predict future and discover hidden patterns. The output helps us make decisions. Machine learning is widely used in finance, healthcare and marketing.

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