Database development

Rajendra Gupta
insert sample data

SQL Between Operator overview and examples

June 11, 2019 by

We extract data from SQL Server tables along with various conditions. Usually, we have data in large amounts and SQL Between operator helps to extract a specific range of data from this huge data. For example, suppose we want to know the product sales between Jan 2019 to May 2019. In this case, we can use this operator in a SQL query.

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Esat Erkec
SQL unit testing - tSQLt framework tsqlt.ExpectException result image

SQL Unit Testing: Working with exceptions

May 21, 2019 by

With this article, we will complete our journey with SQL Unit Testing. But first, let’s remember the main theme of the SQL Unit Testing again briefly. With the help of the SQL Unit Testing, we can detect and find out the flaws and bugs in database projects. This reduces the possible loss of time and money and reputation during the use of the product. However, it should be kept in mind that no matter how many tests are carried out, there will still be some bugs in the project, but SQL unit tests provide a greater degree of confidence. The fact that there are no bugs or flaws in the application at that time does not mean that the application is perfect. We cannot test all combinations and probabilities of the database objects. That is why in real life, considering certain parameters (risk, priority, etc.) we must ensure that a “reasonably sufficient” test is done.

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Rajendra Gupta
SQL CASE statement


May 9, 2019 by

We use the SQL CHARINDEX function to find the position of a substring or expression in a given string. We might have a character in different positions of a string. SQL CHARINDEX returns the first position and ignores the rest of matching character positions in a string.

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Esat Erkec
SQL Unit testing results with tSQLt

SQL Unit Testing Mocking Stored Procedures

May 8, 2019 by

In this SQL Unit testing article, we will continue our journey with SQL unit testing. In the previous articles of this series (see the TOC at the bottom), we mentioned about SQL unit testing essentials and designing approaches as well and then we reinforce these notions with various tSQLt framework practical examples. In this article, we will continue to learn how to mock stored procedures in the tSQLt framework and we will provide it with two examples.

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Ed Pollack

Methods to Insert Data into SQL Server

April 10, 2019 by


There are a variety of ways of managing data to insert into SQL Server. How we generate and insert data into tables can have a profound impact on performance and maintainability! This topic is often overlooked as a beginner’s consideration, but mistakes in how we grow objects can create massive headaches for future developers and administrators.

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