In this article, we are going to learn the basics of SQL unit testing and how to write a SQL unit test through the tSQLt framework.
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In this article, we are going to learn the basics of SQL unit testing and how to write a SQL unit test through the tSQLt framework.
Read more »This article will explain various aspects of security testing for the SQL Server environment. Security is a very critical area for any database environment. We must properly plan, deploy, and audit database security measures to protect and prevent any unauthorized access of the data. We should also perform regular security testing to ensure we have the right set of rules and policies in place to secure our database environment. Database security measures also help any organization to protect its data to maintain its privacy and integrity.
Read more »This article will mention some of the most popular free SQL online compilers that help developers debug and test their SQL code without installing an SQL instance locally or buying one on the cloud.
Read more »This article talks about unit testing SQL database in Azure Data Studio using the tSQLt testing framework.
Read more »This article talks about getting your database hotfixes tested with tSQLt provided they do not have any inherited complexities or dependencies on things other than SQL database.
Read more »Often enough, multilayer software has bugs. SQL Server Extended Events system offers tools that can help find those bugs. A bug can happen in any layer – data, logic, or presentation. To fix those bugs, it helps to see the exact parameters and values that the presentation layer sends to the data layer. As a data layer product, SQL Server Extended Events can help with this.
Read more »When we create an environment and consider our security testing from development to production and how changes are deployed throughout each environment, we want to consider what we’re protecting and how much resources we’ll devote to this protection. Every company has limited resources, so protecting against all possible threats will not be something we can achieve.
Read more »In this article, we’ll look at using the built-in PWDCOMPARE function in SQL Server for security testing passwords. While this tool may seem like it exposes a weakness in Microsoft SQL Server because we can test for passwords, it should be of note that an attacker could do the same attack by attempting to login to our database server assuming the attacker was able to access a connection to it. Therefore, this function does not increase the risk of an attack on SQL Server but does help us identify possible weaknesses in our environment so that we can quickly mitigate these risks. In addition, we’ll also combine this with other related tools in SQL Server to help us with logins.
Read more »This is the second part of a conceptual article for data professionals and enthusiasts interested to work on a test-driven data warehouse development concept by using tSQLt an industry recognized SQL unit testing framework.
Read more »This is a conceptual article consisting of two parts with enough supported material for any data professional or enthusiast with databases or data warehouse development background willing to go a step ahead by using an industry-recognized SQL unit testing framework called tSQLt.
Read more »This article talks about basic concepts of SQL unit testing from a Data Warehouse point of view using tSQLt, a highly productive and acclaimed SQL unit testing framework.
Read more »This article gives hands-on experience of writing basic utility procedures and creating their SQL unit tests using tSQLt an advanced SQL unit testing framework.
Read more »This article talks about the three standard SQL unit tests which can be written against any stored procedure ultimately becoming SQL unit testing object to meet internal or external business specification.
This article is focussed on clever database object naming from both development and SQL unit testing point of view.
This article also highlights the importance of naming database objects going through different development transitions including the SQL unit testing phase due to the agile nature of requirements.
Read more »With this article, we will complete our journey with SQL Unit Testing. But first, let’s remember the main theme of the SQL Unit Testing again briefly. With the help of the SQL Unit Testing, we can detect and find out the flaws and bugs in database projects. This reduces the possible loss of time and money and reputation during the use of the product. However, it should be kept in mind that no matter how many tests are carried out, there will still be some bugs in the project, but SQL unit tests provide a greater degree of confidence. The fact that there are no bugs or flaws in the application at that time does not mean that the application is perfect. We cannot test all combinations and probabilities of the database objects. That is why in real life, considering certain parameters (risk, priority, etc.) we must ensure that a “reasonably sufficient” test is done.
Read more »In this SQL Unit testing article, we will continue our journey with SQL unit testing. In the previous articles of this series (see the TOC at the bottom), we mentioned about SQL unit testing essentials and designing approaches as well and then we reinforce these notions with various tSQLt framework practical examples. In this article, we will continue to learn how to mock stored procedures in the tSQLt framework and we will provide it with two examples.
Read more »This SQL unit testing article is based on the fact that we often learn from the mistakes so the idea is to highlight the mistakes to understand them clearly so that they can be avoided straight away.
Read more »In this article series, we are exploring SQL unit testing, in general, and also we are reinforcing details and topics with various practical examples. We are using the tSQLt framework because it is the quite powerful and handy tool in order to develop and code SQL unit tests.
Read more »In this article on SQL unit testing, we will talk about how to isolate SQL unit tests from dependencies and how to use fake tables in SQL unit tests, so that we will able to develop more robust and less fragile SQL unit tests.
Read more »This article talks about core concepts of test-driven database development followed by creating simple SQL unit tests with tSQLt based on this approach.
Read more »SQL unit testing is a testing method which allows us to test the smallest, atomic programmable part of a database object. SQL unit testing plays a key role in the modern database development cycle because it allows us to test individual parts of the database objects work as expected. SQL unit testing adds a great worth to the database project because unit tests are more reliable then manual test methods.
Read more »This article is about basics of conventional SQL unit testing concepts and its implementation through tSQLt, a highly acclaimed SQL unit testing framework because of being written in T-SQL and its built-in design support for SQL SQL unit testing needs ranging from simple to complex scenarios.
In the previous article SQL unit testing with the tSQLt framework for beginners in this series, we covered tSQLt framework essentials and installation. we also demonstrated basic SQL unit testing through the tSQLt framework. In this article, we will continue to explore SQL unit testing and we will also discuss the benefits of SQL unit testing. Additionally, we will learn how we can use the tSQLt framework in a SQL Server Database Project.
Read more »Today, with DevOps, the need for database cloning is urgent. The development and testing process is shorter and it is required to work and test the data faster.
tSQLt is a powerful, open source framework for SQL Server unit testing. In this article, we will mainly focus on how to create and run SQL unit testing with help of the tSQLt framework. Before we begin to learn tSQLt framework details, let’s discuss essentials and importance of the database unit testing approach, in general. SQL unit testing is a vital and inseparable part of the modern database development approach and it makes possible to prevent errors before producing the release deployment process. Some database developers are still discussing the needs of the SQL unit testing concept; however, database unit testing is very significant to control and check the behavior of the individual parts of the database. For this reason, we cannot ignore the need to write unit test cases.
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