SQL Server Always On is a high-availability and disaster recovery solution. We can use multiple secondary replicas for configuring database backups, redirect read requests to offload primary instance load.
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SQL Server Always On is a high-availability and disaster recovery solution. We can use multiple secondary replicas for configuring database backups, redirect read requests to offload primary instance load.
Read more »In the previous article, Start your journey with Azure Cosmos DB, we provided you with the backpack that helps you to start your journey with Azure Cosmos DB and filled it with detailed information about the Cosmos DB usage benefits, how to create your first Cosmos DB account, create a new database, container, and items and finally how to query the data stored in that container.
Read more »Database administrators can leverage the scalability, automation, and flexibility of Kubernetes to create a highly available SQL database cluster. In this article, you will learn what Kubernetes is, what are the benefits of running an SQL database on Kubernetes, and how to deploy MySQL on Kubernetes.
Read more »This article describes the concepts and steps to setup AWS RDS SQL Server (Relational Database Service) — a web service which gives the ability to set up and scale relational database within AWS.
Read more »This article deploys a new AWS RDS SQL Server using the AWS CLI command: create-db-instance.
Read more »In this article, I am going to introduce Amazon QuickSight and how to visualize data using it. Amazon QuickSight is a data visualization tool offered by Amazon hosted on AWS and is available across multiple locations. As per the statement provided on the official website it says: “Amazon QuickSight is a fast, cloud-powered business intelligence service that makes it easy to deliver insights to everyone in your organization.” Using QuickSight, users can create different analyses and then integrate those in a dashboard and share them with people within the organization.
Read more »This article gives you an overview of the AWS Lambda function to automatically start and stop AWS RDS SQL Server.
Read more »This article explores the process to stop an AWS RDS SQL Server using web console and AWS CLI.
Read more »In this article, I am going to explain how to create an AWS Lambda function and then call this function from another Lambda function within the same region. This is a useful scenario in which we may need to execute a second lambda function based on the outcome of some previous logic. Another scenario may be to execute a second lambda function several times by using different parameters.
Read more »In this article, I am going to explain how to start using the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio Code to develop serverless functions locally. Serverless applications or functions gives us the ability to develop, test and execute code in the cloud without having to worry about the underlying infrastructure. These applications are scalable which means we can easily increase or decrease the resources consumed by them. AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio Code is an extension available for Visual Studio Code using which we can directly communicate with the resources on Amazon within the code editor.
Read more »In the first part of the article, Explore SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) on AWS RDS SQL Server, we understood that AWS RDS SQL Server supports SSIS functionality starting from May 19th, 2020.
Read more »In the previous article, Deploy tabular databases in SSAS on AWS RDS SQL Server, we explored that AWS RDS SQL Server now supports SQL Server Analysis Service (SSAS). It enables you to implement tabular project models for RDS instance as well. In this article, we will explore the support of SQL Server integration service in the RDS environment.
Read more »In this article, we are going to explore Analysis Service for AWS RDS SQL Server in detail.
Read more »AWS provides a command-line interface (AWS CLI) tool to work with its various cloud services. It is a single tool with many useful commands and allows you to automate a particular task using scripts. You might need to do specific tasks regularly. You can use the AWS Web Console for it. However, it requires you to go through all configuration options all over again.
Read more »In this article, I am going to explain how to configure the RDS MySQL Environment in AWS. RDS is the Relational Database Service Available from the Amazon which enables us to spin up any relational database instance without having to worry about the infrastructure behind it. Users can connect to this instance very easily and start building database applications with ease. This article will focus more on how to configure the RDS MySQL Environment and not much on the MySQL details.
Read more »In this article, I am going to explain the MySQL CREATE TABLE statement with examples. The following syntax contains basic statements to create a table in MySQL.
Read more »This article will cover advanced configurations for Windows Authentication in AWS RDS SQL Server.
Read more »In this article, I am going to explain different ways to generate the backup in the MySQL database server. As we know, data is a valuable asset to the organization. As database administrators, it is our primary and crucial job to keep the data available and safe. If the system or data center fails, database corruption, and data loss, we must be able to recover it within the defined SLA.
Read more »In this article, we will be exploring the process of enabling Windows authentication in AWS RDS SQL Server.
Read more »In this article, I am going to explain how we can deploy the MySQL InnoDB cluster. InnoDB Cluster is a high availability solution provided by MySQL that has single and multi-master capabilities and failover detection.
Read more »This article gives you an overview of integrating AWS S3 buckets with AWS RDS SQL Server.
Read more »It is the second article in the Learn AWS CLI series. It gives you an overview of working with the AWS S3 bucket using CLI commands. We also look at a brief overview of the S3 bucket and its key components.
Read more »In this article, the steps to connect to remote MySQL databases using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) will be shown. MySQL is one of the most popular relational database management systems and by default, is configured to accept only connections from the machine where MySQL is installed. To connect to the MySQL database which sits on another machine, the additional configuration must be set to accept the remote connection with secure SSL encryption.
Read more »In this article, I am going to explain the step by step process to create an Azure Database for MySQL Server. Azure Database for MySQL is a fully-managed database as a service that uses MySQL community edition. It can manage the mission-critical workload with dynamic scalability. We can use it to develop various applications that leverage open-source tools and cross-platform applications. Let me explain these steps of a deployment process of MySQL Server on Azure.
Read more »This article is the first article in the series of Learn AWS CLI. Here we will talk about the overview, installation, and configuration of CLI tools in Windows.
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