Rajendra Gupta
Service principal name

Configure Managed Service Accounts for SQL Server Always On Availability Groups

July 24, 2020 by
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This article is a 6th article in the series for SQL Server Always On Availability Groups. It covers the configuration of the group managed service account (gMSA) for SQL Services.


DBA uses services accounts to run the various SQL Services. Usually, we should use a separate service account for an individual server SQL Services.

  • You should run SQL services having the least permissions
  • You should use a complex password and store it in a secure place
  • Its password should never expire
  • You should also change the password regularly, depending upon your organization’s security policy

If you maintain a large inventory of SQL Servers, you might think it is a cumbersome task to change and maintain the passwords for these servers. Once you change the service account password using SQL Server Configuration Manager, it also requires the restart of SQL Services. It might be a challenging task as well to get downtime for highly transactional applications.

We can leverage Group Managed Service Accounts (gMSA) in these cases. Let’s explore it in the subsequent section.


  1. You should follow the article series, Install SQL Server 2019 on Windows Server 2016 with SQL Server Always On Availability Groups and configure the following

    • The virtual machine acts as a domain controller and active directory
    • Three SQL nodes with SQL Server 2019 installed
    • You should configure SQL Server Always On Availability Groups for these three nodes in synchronized mode

  2. Windows PowerShell with active directory module installed. We installed it as a part of an active directory configuration

An Overview of Managed Service Accounts

We have two kinds of managed service accounts in an active directory configuration.

  • Standalone Managed Service accounts(SMSA) provides the functionality of automatic password management. In simplified terms, users do not manage credentials for these users. It automatically changes the password and synchronizes with the services as per the active directory policy. We can use a standalone managed service account for a single server
  • Group Managed Service accounts (gMSA) extend the functionality of SMSA. You can use gMSA for multiple servers. We define an AD group and provide permissions for all required servers that can use the credentials of the specified gMSA

To summarize, you get the following benefits using gMSA as the service account for SQL Services.

  • Automatic password management
  • Administrators do not require to store the passwords in a password vault
  • It uses a very complex password(120 characters), and it is not known to administrators as well. It avoids the risk of circulating the password unknowingly as well
  • Automatic SPN registration
  • You can use them across multiple servers and services
  • You can use gMSA on standalone servers or services that run on top of a failover cluster service such as Windows service, app pool, scheduled task

Let’s start configurations of the Group Managed Service accounts (GMSA) for SQL Server Always On availability groups.

Configuration of gMSA for SQL Services

We can configure and use the gMSA service accounts for Windows Server 2012 or later. In this article, we will work with Windows Server 2016.

Step 1: Create a Security Group for gMSA

Take an RDP of the active directory server and Launch active directory (AD) using DSA.MSC command.

Create a Security Group for GMSA

Right-click on the domain name and choose New -> Group. Specify a group name as per your requirement or naming convention.

New AD group

Click Ok, and it creates the AD group. Open this group and enter a description. It helps you to identify the security group and its purpose efficiently.

AD group properties

Click on Members. In the members, add the failover cluster nodes. I have SQLNode1, SQLNode2, and SQLNode3 virtual machines configured in a SQL Server Always On availability group.

Add target servers in AD group

Step 2: Configure key distribution service (KDS)

Group managed service accounts require a key distribution service (KDS) using the AD PowerShell module. It uses an Add-KdsRootkey PowerShell cmdlet. It takes 10 hours for full synchronization between all AD domain controllers.

For the demonstration purpose, you can use either -EffectiveImmediately parameter or specify a past timestamp.

Open the Windows PowerShell on the active directory VM (in this case vditest3.mydemosql.com) and run the following command.

It returns a GUID, as shown below.

Configure a key distribution service ( KDS)

You can also validate the key using the Get-KdsRootKey to verify that the KDS key exists in the active directory.

You get the value, effective date, domain controller, and GUID.

Get-KdsRootKey to check KDS

Step 3: Create a new group managed service account

In this step, we create a new gMSA account using the New-ADServiceAccount PowerShell cmdlet.

It uses the following arguments.

  • Name: Specify a gMSA service account name
  • DNSHostName: Enter the FQDN of the service account. In my case, FQDN is gMSAsqlservice.mydemosql.com
  • PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPassword: Specify the AD group name we created in Step 1: Create a Security Group for gMSA

Create a new group managed service account

You must also allow the gMSA account to register its service principal name ( SPN) for Kerberos authentication in SQL Server.

It gives you the following output.

Service principal name

You can check the account properties such as encryption type and SAM account name. By default, it uses RC4, AES128, and AES256 encryptions. You can note the account name uses the $ suffix in the account name.

Encryption type and SAM account name

Step 4: Enable AD Windows feature for the target servers

We need to perform these steps in the target servers. Take RDP to the target server and enable the AD DS and AD LDS Tools in the Windows features.

Enable AD Windows feature for the target servers

Click Next and confirm the feature installation. In the description box, you can note it installs the Active Directory module for Windows PowerShell on the target server as well.

Confirm installation selections

Click on Install to enable AD feature along with its dependencies on the target nodes.

Enable AD features

You can perform this step on the remaining servers in the Windows failover cluster as well.

Step 5: Install Group Managed Service account on the target node for SQL Server Always On Availability Group

Once the AD PowerShell cmdlets are available on the target node, we need to install the gMSA service account. It uses the Install-ADServiceAccount cmdlet.

Install Group Managed Service account on the target node

It does not return any output. You can use another cmdlet Test-ADServiceAccount to verify the group managed service account status. It returns true if gMSA is valid and ready to use.

Test GMSA account

You can check the last password reset for the managed service account using the Get-ADServiceAccount cmdlet.

last password reset for the managed service account

Step 6: Configure gMSA to run the SQL Services

Now, we are ready to use the gMSA accounts in the SQL Services. Open the SQL Server Configuration Manager and go to Services.

Now, search the gMSA account in the active directory service account object. You can specify the account name as [mydemosql\gmsasqlservice$] as well. It does not give you a password prompt.

You might notice that we do not have a password for this user. It is not required to configure the services running under group managed service account as well.

Configure GMSA in the SQL Services

Click Ok and restart SQL Services. You can see SQL Service is running under the [mydemosql\gmsasqlservice$] security context.

Restart SQL Services Connect to SQL Server using SSMS and view the error logs.

  • Verify the entry in SQL Server logs for the service account

    Verify the entry in SQL Server logs

  • Verify Service Principal Name(SPN) registration for SQL Server

It successfully registers the service principal name ( SPN) for the Kerberos authentication and logs an entry in the error log, as shown below.

  • [MSSQLSvc/SQLNode1.MyDemoSQL.Com:INST1]
  • [MSSQLSvc/SQLNode1.MyDemoSQL.Com:I433]

Verify Service Principal Name(SPN)

Similarly, change the service accounts in the SQLNode2 and SQLNode3 for SQL Server Always On Availability Group and start SQL services.

Verify service accounts on all nodes

  • Add these accounts into all SQL instances and provides database mirroring endpoint to [MyDemoSQL\gMSsqlservices$] account. If the account does not have permissions for the endpoint, databases won’t see in the SQL Server Always on availability group, and you get disconnected status.

You can hold for some time, and you would see a healthy AG dashboard. In the below screenshot, we see that the [SQLShackDemo] database is in the synchronized state without any data loss.

Verify SQL Server Always On Availability Group status


In this article, we explored Group Managed Service Accounts (gMSA) for SQL Server Always On Availability Groups. It automatically manages SQL Service accounts and changes them without restarting SQL Services. It also eliminates the risk of password hacking or misuse for connecting to SQL. You can also configure the Windows task scheduler using this gMSA account.

Table of contents

A comprehensive guide to SQL Server Always On Availability Groups on Windows Server 2016
Configure Domain Controller and Active Directory for SQL Server Always On Availability Groups
Configure failover clusters, storage controllers and quorum configurations for SQL Server Always On Availability Groups
Install SQL Server 2019 on Windows Server 2016 with SQL Server Always On Availability Groups
Add a new node into existing SQL Server Always On Availability Groups
Configure Managed Service Accounts for SQL Server Always On Availability Groups
Add or remove a node from SQL Server Always On Availability Groups using T-SQL scripts
Database-level health detection in SQL Server Always On Availability Groups
Automatic Page Repair in SQL Server Always On Availability Groups
Deploy a domain-independent Windows Failover Cluster for SQL Server Always On Availability Groups
An overview of distributed SQL Server Always On Availability Groups
Deploy a distributed SQL Server Always On Availability Group
Monitor and failover a Distributed SQL Server Always On Availability Group
Transparent Data Encryption for SQL Server Always On Availability Groups
Configure SQL Server replication for a database in SQL Server Always On Availability Groups
Configuring SQL Server replication for distribution databases in SQL Server Always On Availability Groups
Explore Cross-database MSDTC for distributed transactions in SQL Server Always On Availability Groups
Deploy MSDTC for distributed transactions in SQL Server Always On Availability Groups
Restore an existing availability group database participating in SQL Server Always On Availability Groups
Exploring AG dashboards for monitoring SQL Server Always On Availability Groups
Backup compression in TDE enabled databases in SQL Server Always On Availability Groups
Impact of dropping a login in the active directory tied to SQL Server Always On Availability Groups
Refresh SQL Server Always On Availability Group databases using DBATools PowerShell
Refresh SQL Server Always On Availability Group databases using DBATools PowerShell
Configure SQL Server Reporting Services databases in SQL Server Always On Availability Groups
Suspend and Resume Data Movement in SQL Server Always On Availability Groups
Explore failover types in SQL Server Always On Availability Groups
Explore SQL Server PolyBase External Tables in SQL Server Always On Availability Groups
SQL Server Always On Availability Groups for SQL Server Linux instances
Column-level SQL Server encryption with SQL Server Always On Availability Groups
Make the most of secondary replicas in SQL Server Always On Availability Groups
Apply SQL Server patches or cumulative updates in SQL Server Always On Availability Groups
Monitor SQL Server Always On Availability groups using extended events
The Hub and Spoke model of policy-based management for SQL Server Always On Availability Groups
Custom policies for AG dashboards of SQL Server Always On Availability Groups
Explore dynamic management views for monitoring SQL Server Always On Availability Groups
Dynamic management views for monitoring availability replicas and databases for SQL Server Always On Availability
Configure SQL Server Always On Availability Groups using Windows PowerShell scripts
Configure Integration Services Catalog Database SSISDB in SQL Server Always On Availability Groups
Synchronize logins between Availability replicas in SQL Server Always On Availability Group
Session timeouts in SQL Server Always On Availability Groups
Lease Timeouts and Health Checks in SQL Server Always On Availability Groups

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Rajendra Gupta
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