Ahmad Yaseen
Azure Blob Storage Dataset

How to use iterations and conditions activities in Azure Data Factory

December 17, 2020 by
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In the previous articles, we discussed how to create an Azure Data Factory pipeline to copy data between different data stores that are located in on-premises servers or in the cloud, how to transform data using Azure Data factory Mapping Dataflow activity and how to run an SSIS package using Azure Data Factory.

In this article, we will show how to use the Iterations and Conditions activities in the Azure Data Factory.

Demo Overview

In the demo that we will discuss in this article, we will create an Azure Data Factory pipeline, that will read data stored in CSV files located in an Azure Blob Storage container, making sure that the file extension is CSV and the size of the file larger than or equal to 1KB, and write the data to an Azure SQL Database table.


In order to create that pipeline, make sure that you have an Azure Data Factory, an Azure Storage account where the CSV files are stored, as shown below:

Blob container where the files are stored

And an Azure SQL Database where the data will be written, where we need to add the current client IP address to the Azure SQL Database firewall settings, in order to be able to connect using SSMS from my machine, and enable Allow Azure Services and Resources to access this Server firewall setting to allow the Azure Data Factory to access it, as shown below:

Azure SQL DB firewall settings

Getting started

Linked Services and DataSets

The first step in creating the Azure Data Factory pipeline is creating the source and sink linked services and datasets. To achieve that, open the Azure Data Factory, click on Author & Monitor to launch the Data Factory UI.

From the opened Azure Data Factory UI in the Azure Portal, click on the Manage button to create the Linked Services, as shown below:

Manage option of Azure Data Factory

Now, we need to create the linked service that points to the Azure Blob Storage container where the CSV files are stored. To create the linked service, click on the Linked Services option under the Connections list, then click on the New button, as below:

New Linked Service

From the New Linked Service window, choose the Azure Blob Storage data store, then click Continue to proceed:

Azure blob storage data store

In the new Azure Blob Storage Linked service window, provide a meaningful name for the linked service, the Integration Runtime that will be used to connect to the Azure Blob Storage, which is Azure IR in our case, the authentication method that will be used to connect to that storage account, the Azure Subscription where this storage account is created and the name of that storage account.

After providing all required information, click on Test Connection to verify whether we are able to connect to that storage account using the provided information or not then click Create if the connection is tested successfully, as shown below:

New Linked Service for the Source blob storage

And the created Azure Blob Storage linked service that will act as the data source in our pipeline will be shown in the linked services list, as below:

Source Linked Service

With the source linked service created, we need to create the source dataset, which points to the container, folder or file under the source storage account that contains the source data.

To create a new dataset, click on the Author button, choose Datasets under the Factory Resources list, choose to create a New dataset, as shown below:

New Dataset

In the New Dataset window, choose Azure Blob Storage data store, then click Continue to proceed:

Azure Blob Storage Dataset

In the Select Format window, choose DelimitedText format as we will read from CSV files, as shown below:

Select Format

From the DataSet Set Properties window, provide a meaningful name for the source dataset, the linked service that contains the connection information for that dataset, browse to identify the container and the folder where the data source files are located and check the “First row as header” option if the CSV files contain the names of the columns in the first row, then click OK to proceed:

DataSet Set Properties window

Before saving all dataset settings, review the delimiter and path settings then click Save to create the dataset, as below:

Dataset settings review

You can also click on the Preview option to review the shape of the source data, as shown below:

Data Preview

Let us move to the next step, in which we need to create the linked service and dataset for the sink data store, which is the Azure SQL Database in this demo.

We will follow the same steps, but this time, from the New Linked Service data stores, we will choose the Azure SQL Database store then click Continue to proceed:

New Sink linked service

In the New Linked Service window, provide a meaningful name for the Azure SQL DB linked service, the Integration Runtime that will be used to connect to that database, which the Azure IR in this scenario, the subscription where this database is created, the name of the Azure SQL server and database and finally the credentials that will be used to connect to that Azure SQL Database.

After providing all required information, click on Test Connection to verify whether we are able to connect to that Azure SQL Database using the provided information or not then click Create if the connection is tested successfully, as shown below:

Azure SQL Database linked Service

And the created Azure SQL Database linked service that will act as the data sink in our pipeline will be shown in the linked services list, as below:

Sink linked service

With the sink linked service created successfully, we will create the dataset that points to the database table where the data will be written in the Azure Data Factory pipeline.

Following the same previous steps, clicking on the New Dataset option from the Author window, select the Azure SQL Database as the data store type for that dataset then click Continue, as shown below:

New Azure SQL DB dataset

In the dataset properties window, provide a meaningful name for the dataset, the linked service that contains the connection information, the name of the table where the data will be written, then click OK to proceed:

Sink dataset properties

Now, review the dataset information then click Save to create the dataset, as shown below:

Review the Dataset information

Well done! The linked services and datasets that will be used to connect to the source and the sink of our pipeline are created and configured successfully. Let us move to the next step in which we will create the Azure Data Factory pipeline.

Create a New Pipeline

To create a new pipeline, click on the New pipeline option under the Factory Resources of the Author page, as shown below:

New Pipeline

In the new pipeline page, expand the General Activities and drag then drop the Get Metadata activity to the design surface. We will use this Get Metadata activity to get the list of all source files and retrieve the name of these files, so that it will be easier for us to filter the types of these files.

In the General tab of the Get Metadata activity, provide a meaningful name of the activity that reflects the purpose of that activity, as shown below:

Get Metadata General settings

In the Dataset tab of the Get Metadata activity, provide the name of the source dataset, which points to the Azure Blob Storage container, where the source files are stored.

In the Field List, click New to add a new argument and choose the Child Item as an argument to get the names of the source files, as below:

Get Metadata Dataset settings

To test that activity, click on the Debug option, to execute that activity within the Azure Data Factory pipeline in the debug mode, then click to check the output of the activity execution, where it will return the list of files located in the source container and the names of these files, as shown below:

Test Get Metadata execution

The next activity that we will add to the pipeline is the Filter activity, which will be used to take the name of the files from the Get Metadata activity and pass only the files with CSV extension.

The Filter activity can be found under the Iterations and Conditions activity list then dragged and dropped to the pipeline designer surface. After adding the Filter activity, drag the output of the Get Metadata activity to be the input of the Filter activity, then provide a meaningful name for the Filter activity, as shown below:

Filter Activity General Settings

In the Settings tab of the Filter activity, specify the Items option value as @activity().output.childItems to return the list of files from the Get Metadata activity and the Conditions option value as @endswith(item().name,’csv’) to pass only the files with CSV extension, as shown below:

Filter activity settings

Let us test the Azure Data Factory pipeline until that point. Click on the Debug button to execute the pipeline under debug mode and confirm that both activities are executed successfully, and that the output of the Filter activity is the files with CSV extension, as shown below:

Test Filter output

Now, we will add to the Azure Data Factory pipeline the ForEach activity that will help in iterating through all files passed from the Filter activity and check the size of these input files, if the size of the file is equal to or larger than 1KB, the file will be written to the Azure SQL Database table, otherwise, the file will be deleted from the source container.

Expand the Iterations and Conditional activities then drag and drop the ForEach activity to the designer surface. Once added, drag the output arrow of the Filter activity and drop it as an input to the ForEach activity and provide a meaningful name for that activity, as shown below:

ForEach Activity general settings

In the Settings tab of the ForEach activity, check to loop the input items Sequentially and provide the @activity(‘filterInput’).output.Value in the Items option to take the value returned from the Filter activity as an input to the ForEach activity, as shown below:

ForEach Activity settings

Inside the ForEach activity icon, click on the pencil icon to add a new sub-activity inside the ForEach activity. Here we will add a new Get Metadata activity that will check all the input files and return the size of each file. First, provide a meaningful name for that activity, as shown below:

Get Metadata to return the files sizes

Under the Dataset settings, we will create a new Azure Blob Storage dataset with DelimitedText format and add “Filename” as a parameter for that dataset with “CSV” as a default value, as shown below:

New source dataset

And set @dataset().filename as the file name value in the File Path setting of the dataset, as below:

Azure Data Factory - File Path setting

Once the Dataset is created, go back to the Dataset settings of the Get Metadata activity and set the filename parameter value as @item().name to parse the name of the files that are returned from the dataset, then from the Field List, add a new argument and select the Size as an argument, to return the size of the files that are pointed by the source dataset, as shown below:

Get Metadata Dataset settings

Let us test the Azure Data Factory pipeline execution till that point, by clicking on Debug to execute the pipeline under the debug mode, and check the output of the Get Metadata activity, where you can see that it is executed inside the ForEach activity number of times equal to the number of files in the source container, and return the size of each file, as shown below:

Pipeline execution output with size

Now we will add a new activity to the Azure Data Factory pipeline inside the ForEach activity that will be used to act based on the source file size, where we will copy the data inside the file if the file size is larger than or equal to 1KB and delete the file that is smaller than 1KB.

The best activity that will help in that scenario is the If Condition activity under the Iterations and Conditional activities list that will take the input of the Get Metadata activity and check the returned size. After dragging the If Condition activity and drop it inside the ForEach activity then drag the output arrow of the Get Metadata activity and use it as an input for the If Condition, provide a meaningful name for the If Condition activity, as below:

If Condition Activity - General

In the Activities tab of the If Condition activity, provide this Expression: @greaterOrEquals(activity(‘GetFileSize’).output.size,1024) as the Boolean condition of the If Condition that will be used to evaluate the size of each file and ensure that it is equal to or larger than 1 KB, as below:

If Condition expression

Now, click on the pencil icon to add a Copy activity when the condition evaluates True, where you need to provide a meaningful name for that copy activity as below:

Copy Activity - general

And select the previously created Dataset that points to the Azure Blob Storage container as a source for the Copy activity, making sure to provide the @item().name as a value for the filename dataset parameter, as shown below:

Copy activity source

Then select the Azure SQL Database dataset as a sink for the copy activity, as below:

Copy Activity Sink

Again, we need to add a Delete activity for the False If Condition evaluation, to delete the files that are smaller than 1KB, where you need to provide first a meaningful name for that activity as shown below:

Delete activity - general

And select the previously created Dataset that points to the Azure Blob Storage container as a source for the Delete activity, considering to provide the @item().name as a value for the filename dataset parameter, as shown below:

Delete activity source

Then selecting the Azure Storage account that will be used for the Delete activity logging, as below:

Delete activity logs

Now, the Azure Data Factory pipeline is ready with all loops and conditions. Let us execute it under debug mode, using the Debug button, to confirm that it is working as expected and you can later create a trigger to schedule it.

After executing it, you will see that, as we have 10 files in the source container that meets both CSV and 1KB size conditions, the files will be copied to the Azure SQL Database successfully, as shown below:

Pipeline execution completed

Also, we can confirm that the data is copied successfully to the Azure SQL Database by connecting to the database using SSMS, and querying the data, as shown below:

Validate the copy using SSMS


In this demo, we have discussed how to use the different iterations and conditions activities in Azure Data Factory to work with different data stores and validate the data stored in these stores. Stay tuned for the next articles to dig deeper into the Azure Data Factory world!

Table of contents

Starting your journey with Microsoft Azure Data Factory
Copy data between Azure data stores using Azure Data Factory
Copy data from On-premises data store to an Azure data store using Azure Data Factory
Transform data using a Mapping Data Flow in Azure Data Factory
Run SSIS packages in Azure Data Factory
How to use iterations and conditions activities in Azure Data Factory
How to schedule Azure Data Factory pipeline executions using Triggers
How to Debug a Pipeline in Azure Data Factory
Dependencies in Azure Data Factory
Using Templates in Azure Data Factory
Using Source Control in Azure Data Factory
How to monitor Azure Data Factory

See more

For a collection of SQL tools for Azure SQL Database, see ApexSQL Azure tools


Ahmad Yaseen
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About Ahmad Yaseen

Ahmad Yaseen is a Microsoft Big Data engineer with deep knowledge and experience in SQL BI, SQL Server Database Administration and Development fields. He is a Microsoft Certified Solution Expert in Data Management and Analytics, Microsoft Certified Solution Associate in SQL Database Administration and Development, Azure Developer Associate and Microsoft Certified Trainer. Also, he is contributing with his SQL tips in many blogs. View all posts by Ahmad Yaseen