Rajendra Gupta
Object URL

Learn AWS CLI – Interact with AWS S3 Buckets using AWS CLI

April 30, 2020 by
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It is the second article in the Learn AWS CLI series. It gives you an overview of working with the AWS S3 bucket using CLI commands. We also look at a brief overview of the S3 bucket and its key components.


You should meet the following prerequisites before going through exercises demonstrated in this article.

  • Created an Amazon web console
  • IAM user with relevant access. You can use a root account as well, but it has the highest permissions, and you should avoid using root user in a production environment
  • Installed AWS CLI in either local system or AWS EC2 machine
  • Configure a CLI profile using your access key, secret key, default region, and output format You can refer to the article Learn AWS CLI – An Overview of AWS CLI (AWS Command Line Interface) for more details

Overview of AWS S3 Bucket

Amazon Web Services (AWS) provide a cloud storage service to store and retrieves files. It is known as Simple Storage Service or AWS S3. You might be familiar with Dropbox or Google Drive for storing images, docs, and text files in the cloud. AWS S3 is a similar kind of service from Amazon. You can store a single file up to 5 TB with unlimited storage. It provides benefits such as flexibility, scalability, durability, Availability.

Log in to the AWS Console using either root account or IAM user and then expand Services. You can see S3 listed in the Storage group as shown below.

AWS S3 Bucket

Click on S3, and it launches the S3 console. Here, you see an existing bucket (if any) and options to create a new bucket.

View existing buckets

  • Bucket: A bucket is a container or a folder to store the objects. We can have sub-folders in a folder. You must create a unique namespace for an S3 bucket. We cannot use the upper case or space in the bucket name. We can go through the article to view naming conventions in an S3 bucket
  • Key: Each object name is a key in the S3 bucket
  • Metadata: S3 bucket also stores the metadata information for a key such as a file upload timestamp, last update timestamp, version
  • Object URL: Once we upload any object in the AWS S3 bucket, it gets a unique URL for the object. You can use this URL to access the document. This URL is in the following format:

    https://[BucketName].[Region].[amazonaws.com]/object key.file_extension

In the following example, we can see Image URL in the same format.


  • [Bucket name] : testbucket-s3-raj
  • [Region]:ap-south-1
  • [Key]: Capture.PNG

Object URL

You can also view the S3 bucket URL representation in the following image. Each object contains a different URL, although the basic format remains similar.

Object URL format

Once you upload an object in the S3 bucket, it follows Read after Write consistency. It refers to the fact that after uploading an object, it is available immediately to all users (with relevant access) to read it. However, once you remove an item, it is Eventual consistent. It takes some time to remove the item for all edge locations (cache).

AWS CLI tool command for S3 bucket

As of now, you should be familiar with an AWS CLI tool and an S3 bucket for storing objects. In this section, we use the CLI command to perform various tasks related to the S3 bucket.

Create a new AWS S3 Bucket

We use mb command in CLI to create a new S3 bucket. You should have configured the CLI profile in your environment before executing this command. We specified a default region Asia Pacific (Mumbai) ap-south-1 in the production profile.

Open a command prompt and execute the below CLI code. It creates a new S3 bucket named sqlshackdemocli in the default region.

In the query output, it returns the bucket name.

AWS CLI tool command for S3 bucket

Now, go back to the AWS web console and refresh the S3 buckets. You can see the new bucket in the following screenshot.

Verify new bucket

Select the S3 bucket and click on Copy ARN. It is a unique Amazon resource name. It returns following ARN- arn:aws:s3:::sqlshackdemocli for S3 bucket.

You should provide an S3 bucket name as per the AWS standards. For example, we cannot use underscore(_) in the bucket name. It gives you the following error message.

Error in bucket name

Lists all AWS S3 Buckets

We use ls command to retrieve S3 bucket names in your AWS account.

As per the previous screenshot, we have three buckets in AWS. You get the bucket name along with the creation date in the output using the CLI command.

Lists all AWS S3 Buckets

Copy a single file from the local system to cloud-based AWS S3 Buckets

Once we created an S3 bucket, we need to upload the relevant objects in it. It uses copy command (cp) to copy a file from the local directory to the S3 bucket. The following command uploads a text file into S3. It might take time to upload depending upon file size and internet bandwidth.

Copy a single file from local system to cloud-based S3 bucket

You can open the S3 bucket and verify that the uploaded file exists in the bucket.

Verify file upload

Copy multiple files from the local system to cloud-based AWS S3 Buckets

Suppose you want to upload multiple files in the S3. It is not feasible to execute the above command with each file name. We want a way to upload them without specifying file names.

We still use the cp command to specify a directory along with argument recursive. Here, we do not need to specify the file names.

For this demo, I want to upload the following 5 files from the FS folder to the S3 bucket.

Local directory

This command uploads all files available in the specified folder to the AWS S3 bucket.

As you can see, it goes through each file available in the specified folder and uploads it.

Recursive option

Refresh the S3 bucket and verify the uploaded files using a recursive argument.

Refresh the S3 bucket

Copy multiple files from the local system and exclude specific extension files

Before we move further, select the files in the S3 bucket and delete them. Now, we have an empty bucket.

Now, suppose we do not want to upload any jpg files into the S3 bucket. We can exclude specific files as well to upload using the exclude extension.

The following command excludes *.jpg files and uploads other files. You can verify it in the following screenshot.

Copy multiple files from the local system and exclude specific extension files

Similarly, we can use both include and exclude arguments together as well. For example, we require to exclude text files and include JPG files, use the following command.

include and exclude arguments

Upload the files using a Comparison between specified directory and S3 bucket

Suppose we have various files in the source folder, and a few of them are already uploaded in the S3 bucket.

Look at the following source and S3 bucket files. We do not have three files (highlighted in the Source) in the S3 bucket.

  • Source (local director)

    Upload the files using a Comparison between specified directory

  • S3 bucket

    Destination bucket

We want to upload only remaining files from source to destination. We can achieve the requirement using the sync argument.

In the output, we see it uploaded only files that are not available in the source folder.

Upload missing files

Setup Permissions to files

By default, uploaded files do not have public access. If you try to access the object URL, it gives the following error message.

Setup Permissions to files

We can set permissions while copying the files as well. Specify the acl argument and set permissions to public-read.

ACL argument usage

Delete all files inside the bucket

We can remove a file in a bucket using the rm command. Use a recursive argument to delete all files.

It deletes the files from the S3 bucket and lists the deleted files name in the output.

Delete all files inside the bucket

Delete an AWS S3 bucket using AWS CLI

We can remove an S3 bucket using the rb command. The following command removes the S3 bucket named sqlshackdemocli.

We get an error message because the bucket is not empty.

Delete an AWS S3 bucket using AWS CLI

We can either remove the objects using the commands specified above or use the force argument to delete the bucket along with its content.

It first deletes the existing files and then removes the S3 bucket as shown below.

Force delete


In this article, we explored AWS CLI commands to perform various operations in the AWS S3 bucket. CLI makes it easy to perform tasks using simple commands and arguments. I would encourage you to explore CLI commands and perform the tasks as per your requirements. I will continue discovering more CLI commands in the upcoming articles.

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Rajendra Gupta
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About Rajendra Gupta

Hi! I am Rajendra Gupta, Database Specialist and Architect, helping organizations implement Microsoft SQL Server, Azure, Couchbase, AWS solutions fast and efficiently, fix related issues, and Performance Tuning with over 14 years of experience. I am the author of the book "DP-300 Administering Relational Database on Microsoft Azure". I published more than 650 technical articles on MSSQLTips, SQLShack, Quest, CodingSight, and SeveralNines. I am the creator of one of the biggest free online collections of articles on a single topic, with his 50-part series on SQL Server Always On Availability Groups. Based on my contribution to the SQL Server community, I have been recognized as the prestigious Best Author of the Year continuously in 2019, 2020, and 2021 (2nd Rank) at SQLShack and the MSSQLTIPS champions award in 2020. Personal Blog: https://www.dbblogger.com I am always interested in new challenges so if you need consulting help, reach me at rajendra.gupta16@gmail.com View all posts by Rajendra Gupta