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Server and Database dashboards in Azure Data Studio

May 14, 2020 by

Azure Data Studio (ADS) is an integrated, lightweight database development for supporting both on-premises and cloud databases. It can be installed on Windows as well as Linux operating system. I am assuming you are familiar with the SQL Server Management Studio. If you work on Linux based SQL Server instance, you can install only ADS in those systems. We can use integrated terminals to execute the PowerShell and Terminal sessions for the Linux system.

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Content of backup file

How to backup and restore MySQL databases using the mysqldump command

May 12, 2020 by

In this article, I am going to explain different ways to generate the backup in the MySQL database server. As we know, data is a valuable asset to the organization. As database administrators, it is our primary and crucial job to keep the data available and safe. If the system or data center fails, database corruption, and data loss, we must be able to recover it within the defined SLA.

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Final SSIS package with Data Mining Query for Data Mining Query in SSIS.

Data Mining Query in SSIS

May 12, 2020 by

In this article, we will be discussing how SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) can be used to predict data mining models built from SSAS. In this article, we will be looking at the Data Mining Query in SSIS. During the data mining article series, we have discussed all the Data mining techniques that are available in SQL Server. The discussed techniques were Naïve Bayes, Decision Trees, Time Series, Association Rules, Clustering, Linear Regression, Neural Network, Sequence Clustering. Further, we discussed how the accuracy of the data mining models can be verified.

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Azure Cloud Shell

Getting started with Azure CLI 2.0

May 12, 2020 by

In this article, we are going to understand what Azure CLI is and how to work with it. For the purpose of this article, we will take the version 2.0 to demonstrate the features and functionalities. The Azure CLI, as the name suggests is a cross- platform and open-source command-line tool that we can use to create or manage resources in the Azure Portal. This tool gives us the ability to issue commands right from the windows command prompt and deal with the Azure resources. Since this tool is a cross-platform, that means the users can easily install the utility on Windows, Linux or Mac OS and still work with the same set of commands without making any changes.

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SQL Server PIVOT TABLE - the data model we'll use

Learn SQL: SQL Server Pivot Tables

May 11, 2020 by

In the previous few articles in this series, we’ve set the foundations on how to create a report. We’ll take one step further and see how to use the SQL Server PIVOT table operator. We’ll start from the simple query and slowly progress towards dynamic SQL and PIVOT. Let’s start.

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Run the DYNAMIC_ROW_NUMBER_PARTITIONS stored procedure with a T-SQL EXEC statement, and see the result set.

Lever T-SQL to dynamically define duplicate SQL Server database table rows

May 11, 2020 by


Lever T-SQL to handle duplicate rows in SQL Server database tables article highlighted T-SQL features that detect and handle duplicate SQL Server table rows. The techniques work well, but they rely on fixed duplicate row definitions. This article extends those techniques, showing how to define duplicate rows in a dynamic way.

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The load consumed 7 seconds for 2.45 million rows during the SQL bulk insert.

Lock Configurations with SQL Bulk Insert

May 11, 2020 by

One challenge we may face when using SQL bulk insert is whether we want to allow access during the operation or prevent access and how we coordinate this with possible following transactions. We’ll look at working with a few configurations of this tool and how we may apply them in OLAP, OLPT, and mixed environments where we may want to use the tool’s flexibility for our data import needs.

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