Ed Pollack
Execution plan when using a system DMV instead of COUNT.

SQL Server Database Metrics

October 2, 2019 by


There is a multitude of database metrics that we can collect and use to help us understand database and server resource consumption, as well as overall usage.

This data can include hardware statistics, such as measures of CPU or memory consumed over time. We can also examine database metadata, including row counts, waits, and deadlocks.

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Ed Pollack
Row Count Metrics

Using SQL Server Database Metrics to Predict Application Problems

September 27, 2019 by


Database metrics can be collected, maintained, and used to help predict when processes go awry so problems can be resolved before they become severe. Understanding when an application or process misbehaves is not always easy. We are often left waiting until a server, application, or service breaks or enters an undesirable state before we know something is wrong. At that point, we are forced to rush and resolve a production problem quickly, before its impact becomes severe.

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Dinesh Asanka
Transaction log usage after TRUNCATE TABLE statment is executed.

Truncate Table Operations in SQL Server

September 25, 2019 by

Truncating a table is removing all the records in an entire table or a table partition. TRUNCATE table is functionally similar to DELETE table with no WHERE clause. However, TRUNCATE table is much faster than DELETE with respect to the time and the resource consumptions which we will look at in this article. TRUNCATE statement removes the data by de-allocating the data pages in the table data. This means that TRUNCATE is similar to drop and re-create the table. Also, it records only the page de-allocations in the transaction log, not the row-wise as in DELETE statement.

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Jignesh Raiyani
How DDL trigger works over database?

Database Level DDL Triggers on Tables

September 23, 2019 by

This article portrays the different utilization of database DDL Triggers for the Tables with a counting mail alert on schema composition using DDL (Data Definition Language) standard. Using that efficient method we can keep close eyes on monitoring schema changes in any database of SQL Server. We’ll also see how we could monitor these movements and send an alert email to persons responsible to inform about this change.

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Dinesh Asanka
Dependency network of the Decision tree model.

Microsoft Decision Trees in SQL Server

September 12, 2019 by

Decision trees, one of the very popular data mining algorithm which is the next topic in our Data Mining series. In the previous article Introduction to SQL Server Data Mining, we discussed what data mining is and how to set up the data mining environment in SQL Server. Then in the next article, Microsoft Naïve Bayes algorithm was discussed. In this Article, Microsoft Decision Trees are discussed with examples. The Microsoft Decision Trees algorithm is a classification and regression algorithm that works well for predictive modeling. The algorithm supports the prediction of both discrete and continuous attributes.

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