This image shows how to add an OLE DB Connection manager from Visual studio

SSIS OLE DB Source: SQL Command vs Table or View

August 22, 2019 by


SQL Server Integration Services provides a wide variety of features that helps developers to build a robust Extract, Transform, and Load process. After many years contributing to SSIS-related tags on, I can say that many developers have some misunderstandings about SSIS features (SSIS OLE DB Source, SSIS Expressions, SQL Server destination …) especially those which are very similar and have some common usability.

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Screenshot of Query Store fully enabled.

Performance Monitoring via SQL Server Query Store

August 19, 2019 by

SQL Server Query Store is a performance monitoring tool that helps us evaluate the performance of a SQL query in terms of several different performance metrics such as CPU and Memory Consumption, execution time and the I/O cycles consumed by the query. Query store is similar to the windows “Task Manager”. A task manager provides information about the CPU, Memory, Network and Disc consumption of a process. Similarly, the Query Store provides insight to similar information.

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Deadlock overview

Monitoring SQL Server deadlocks using the system_health extended event

August 12, 2019 by

Performance monitoring is a must to do the task for a DBA. You should ensure that the database performance is optimal all the time without any impact on the databases. Performance issues act like an open stage, and you need to look at every aspect such as CPU, RAM, server performance, database performance, indexes, blocking, waits, and SQL Server deadlocks. You might face frequent deadlocks issues, and they have a direct impact on the application performance.

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email masking function

Implementing Dynamic Data Masking in Azure SQL database

July 30, 2019 by

In this article, we will review Dynamic Data Masking in the Azure SQL database. Dynamic Data Masking is a feature to limit the sensitive data to the non-privileged users by hiding the data of a column. Data is not masked and stored in the disk. Masking is applied to the result set returned to the user. The users with “db_owner” permission on “UNMASK” permission can still see the unmasked data when they query the table.

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