SQL Boolean Tutorial
November 28, 2022The SQL Boolean data type is not included in SQL Server. Other databases like Oracle and MySQL include the Boolean data type that accepts the values of TRUE, and FALSE.
The SQL Boolean data type is not included in SQL Server. Other databases like Oracle and MySQL include the Boolean data type that accepts the values of TRUE, and FALSE.
SQL Server provides int, bigint, smallint and tinyint data for storing exact-number data. In this article, we will focus on int and bigint data types.
In this article, we will explain what the SQL injection attack is, why it could be hazardous, and how to defend our SQL database from this attack using parameterized queries and some third-party tools.
Introduction In previous articles, we saw how to connect with ODBC to SQL Server using the ODBC Data Source Administrator in Windows. This time, we will connect to Azure and export the data from one table in Azure to SQL Server on-premises using SSIS.
In this article, we will show how to subtract dates using SQL Server. This article will be a learn-by-example article with a problem and a solution. But first, I will add some theory to understand the syntax of the DATEDIFF function which is the base of this article.
In this article, we will learn how to work with procedures in Azure Database for PostgreSQL.
This article explains different ways to change the location of the FILESTREAM data files. The FILESTREAM feature was introduced in SQL Server 2008 version. We can efficiently store the BLOBs in the SQL database using FILESTERAM.
In this article, we will learn how to use Power BI to source data from an instance of Azure Database for PostgreSQL, transform this data and load it into Power BI for reporting.
This article explores different SQL Commands (functions) to return the current Date and Time (Timestamp) in SQL Server.
In this article, we will learn how to query the data as well as database objects hosted in an instance of Azure Database for PostgreSQL using psql and export the results of the query to a file.
Introduction In SQL Server there are several kinds of SQL partitions. However, in general, we can say that a partition is a way to divide a table (sometimes a view) into smaller pieces for performance purposes. In this article, we will explain what partition does mean for a table partition and SSAS. We will also […]
This article deploys a SQL Server container using Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS).
Interested in becoming an Azure SQL DBA but don’t know how to start? This article prepares you for the Azure SQL DBA interview by providing reference material links.
In this article, we will use Power BI Desktop to analyze key influencers in a dataset and learn how to use the corresponding visualization as well.
In this article, we are going to learn about the OPENQUERY function. It is used to run an ad-hoc distributed query on the remote data source using the linked server. There are various ways to query the remote data source. You can read this article, Querying remote data sources in SQL Server, to learn more […]
The purpose of this article is to provide insights into how parameter sniffing occurs for an ad-hoc query and how it affects their performance.
We are excited to share that Notebook Views are available for SQL Notebooks in the Azure Data Studio (Currently Insiders release). This article will cover the following topics: What are Notebook Views? Where can you find Notebook Views? How do you create a new view? How do you modify an existing view? Where can you […]
The goal of this article is to throw light on the less-known points about SQL Server statistics.
SQL (Structured Query Language) is an ANSI/ISO standard programming language that is designed to program relational databases and T-SQL (Transact-SQL) is an extended implementation of the SQL for Microsoft SQL Server databases. T-SQL is highly used by database persons when they want to program or manage the SQL Server databases. However, the beginners may do […]
This article intends to give some beneficial suggestions that help to write a more readable T-SQL query.
Introduction For a recent Tsql development project involving text document records, the customer wanted a product that would show the latest and most recent earlier version of specific document text stored in a SQL Server 2014 database. One result set row had to hold all relevant information for each document: both document versions as described […]
The SQL MIN function is an aggregate function that is used to find the minimum values in columns or rows in a table.
In this article, we are going to learn about the CREATE TABLE statement. This article consolidates the various scenarios. I have covered the following scenarios.
This article explores the database-level roles in the Azure SQL Database.
This article gives fundamental insights into which 5 reasons can cause to drop off the query performances in SQL Server.
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