SQL interview questions on database backups, restores and recovery – Part I

July 30, 2018 by

So far, we’ve discussed a lot about database backup-and-restore process. The backup database command is an online database copy of the SQL Server database and restore database command gives an option to test the consistency and integrity of the backup file. As we all know, the backup database command bound with many database options. Indeed, […]

Database Backup and Restore process in SQL Server – series intro

July 26, 2018 by

It’s a time to turn the corner from “DBA” to “DBA specialist”. This in-depth guide explores the importance of database backup-and-restore features and skills you’ll need to build good backup-and-restore strategies using the available tools and techniques. Along the way, you’ll pick up some interesting insights and most of the concepts of database backup and […]

SQL interview questions on database backups, restores and recovery – Part II

July 25, 2018 by

In this article, we’ll walk through, some of the refined list of SQL Server backup-and-restore, (or recovery) interview Q&A. Also, it includes the high-level overview and links of the “stairway to backup-and-restore series” articles for detailed information. As you read through the lists of Q&A, you’ll learn most of the features and concepts of Backup-and-Restore […]

Backup and Restore operations with SQL Server 2017 on Docker containers using Azure Data Studio

July 19, 2018 by

In this 18th article of the series, we will discuss the concepts of database backup-and-restore of SQL Server Docker containers using Azure Data Studio. Before proceeding, you need to have Docker engine installed and Azure Data Studio configured on your host machine. This article covers the following topics: Overview of Azure Data Studio (ADS) How […]

Use cases for Query Store in SQL Server

July 18, 2018 by

Query store was introduced in SQL Server 2016. It is often referred to as a “flight data recorder” for SQL Server. Its main function is that it captures the history of executed queries as well as certain statistics and execution plans. Furthermore, the data is persistent, unlike the plan cache in which the information is […]

SQL Server Execution Plans overview

July 4, 2018 by

In this series of articles, we will navigate the SQL Server Execution Plan ocean, starting from defining the concept of the Execution Plans, walking through the types, components and operators of Execution Plans analyze execution plans and we’ll finish with how to save and administrate the Execution Plans. When you submit a T-SQL query, you […]

SQL Server Database Backup and Restore reports

June 14, 2018 by

In the previous articles, we discussed several ways of taking backup and testing the restore process to ensure the integrity of the backup file. In this article, we’re going to discuss the importance of the database backup reporting. This kind of reporting will be designed to eliminate any unnecessary risk that may arise with the safety […]

How to handle the SQL Server WRITELOG wait type

June 13, 2018 by

The WRITELOG wait type is one of those wait types that can often be seen quite frequently on SQL Server, and that can cause a lot of headaches for DBAs. The WRITELOG wait time represents the time that accumulates while waiting for the content of the transaction log cache to be flushed to the physical […]

SQL Server performance counters (Batch Requests/sec or Transactions/sec): what to monitor and why

June 5, 2018 by

When maintaining SQL Server, it is essential to get an accurate perception of how busy it is. Two metrics that are often considered as indicators of how busy SQL Server is are Batch Requests/sec and Transaction/sec. When those metrics trend higher, they often affect all other metrics and make them go higher as well. While […]

Backup Linux SQL Server databases using PowerShell and Windows task scheduler

May 22, 2018 by

This article is an in-depth guide on how PowerShell can be used to maintain and manage SQL backup on Linux and Windows machines. Here’s an outline of what this article is all about: Introduction Technical specifications How to load SQL Server modules on Windows machine Security – Credential Management The objectives of Backup and Restore […]

How to perform a page level restore in SQL Server

May 18, 2018 by

In this article in our stairway series on SQL Server backup and restore, we shall discuss the importance of understanding the internals of the page restoration for a database administrator. Most of the time, performing a page-level restore suffices for database availability. A good backup strategy is a key to recovery or restoration, and SQL […]

Smart database backups in SQL Server 2017

May 14, 2018 by

So far, we’ve discussed several phases of backup that starts with planning, creating, strategizing and implementing. In this article, we are going to see how database administrators can define the strategy to improve backup performance and efficiently manage backups in SQL Server 2017. The following are the topics of discussion: Discuss checkpoints Discuss the enhancements […]

SqlPackage.exe – Automate SQL Server Database Restoration using bacpac with PowerShell or Batch techniques

May 7, 2018 by

Data is the key to your organization’s future, but if it’s outdated, irrelevant, or hidden then it’s no good. Maintenance and administration of databases takes a lot of work. As database administrators, we often tend to automate most of these repetitive tasks. A database refresh is one of the most common tasks performed by most […]

Logical SQL Server data replication 101

May 4, 2018 by

Introduction Data replication has been around for many decades. There are two primary types of data replication, logical and physical. This article covers a high-level view of logical replication, the differences between logical and physical replication, and the specifics of SQL Server transactional replication.