
Accumulates while requests are waiting on network I/O to complete. A common cause of this wait type is when client applications cannot process data as fast as SQL Server can provide it. When this occurs SQL Server must wait until the client is ready. Other causes include network bottlenecks and sending large volumes of data across the network

Resolved by

DBAs and Developers

Suggested solutions

  1. Reduce the amount of data sent over the network by selecting only the required rows and columns
  2. Ensure that Network Packet Size in connection strings is of an appropriate size. If the instance is doing bulk loads try increasing packet size to see whether this improves throughput. The default is 4KB, SQLCAT recommends maximum 32KB for large data loads
  3. Add additional or upgrade network interface
  4. Remove any additional applications that are using network interfaces

Additional research

Reducing SQL Server ASYNC_NETWORK_IO wait type
RBAR: ‘Row By Agonizing Row’
Network Packet Size: to Fiddle With or Not to Fiddle With
Top 10 SQL Server Integration Services Best Practices

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