Similar to HADR_SYNC_COMMIT, however this wait occurs while Secondary Replicas are attempting to catch-up with the Primary. This is typically seen after: adding a database to an Availability Group, setting the replication mode to synchronous, and when either replica comes online
Resolved by
DBAs and Developers
Suggested solutions
- Ensure secondary replicas are adequately resourced. Specifically the transaction logs should be on fast storage
- If possible do not leave Secondary Replicas offline longer than necessary. The Secondary Replica will take longer to become synchronised
- Rewrite modification DML that performs small (row-by-row) changes. Batch modifications result in less transaction log usage and messages across the network
- Remove unnecessary indexes, less messages and transaction log usage on modifications
- Scale out database design
Additional research
Monitor SQL Server AlwaysOn Availability Groups
MSDN Blog: Monitor Performance for AlwaysOn Availability Groups
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