Rajendra Gupta
Monitor log sequence numbers

Suspend and Resume Data Movement in SQL Server Always On Availability Groups

September 23, 2020 by
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In this 26th article for SQL Server Always On Availability Groups series, we will discuss the process to suspend and resume data movements between AG replicas.


We can configure SQL Server Always On Availability Groups in the Synchronized and Asynchronized commit mode depending upon application criticality, accepted data loss, disaster recovery, network bandwidth.

Suppose we need to reboot the servers to apply OS patches, SQL patches, scheduled activities, OS related issues. Usually, we follow this order to avoid any automatic failover:

  • Reboot the secondary replica first
  • AG failover
  • Reboot the secondary replica (old primary replica)

In the synchronous commit, the primary replica waits for the acknowledgment from the secondary replica to commit it on the primary. If we stop the SQL Services on the secondary replica, SQL Server immediately changes the synchronization to Asynchronous mode. Once the secondary replica establishes a connection, data synchronization becomes synchronous commit. While we follow the sequence to reboot the servers, it might cause distribution in data synchronization.

Consider another case where you have implemented a two replica synchronous data commit. Your both servers are in different sites, and your network team informed that there would be a network outage or slowness in network connectivity between both the sites. One way to remediate data synchronization is that you change the mode to asynchronous. In this way, the primary replica does not wait for acknowledgment from the secondary. However, in the network fluctuations, you might get packet drops that might cause issues with your secondary replica synchronization.

In this article, we find answers to the following questions:

  • Can we suspend the data movement from primary to the secondary replica?
  • Can we suspend data movement for a specific secondary replica in case we have multiple secondary replicas?
  • What is the impact on a primary replica in case you suspend data movement?
  • How to resume data movement from the primary to the secondary replica?


You should go through earlier articles (ToC at the bottom) and configure the two or more nodes SQL Server Always On Availability Group.

In this article, we use the following two-node AG replica.

  • Primary replica: SQLNode2\INST1
  • Secondary replica: SQLNode1\INST1
  • AG database: SQLShackDemo

Suspend data movements in SQL Server Always On Availability Groups

SQL Server Always On has two kinds of replicas – Primary and Secondary. A primary replica is suitable for both read-only and writes transactions. The secondary replica can be configured to allow read-only connections, but we cannot write data into it until it takes over the role of a primary replica after failover. Data movement happens from the primary to the secondary replica.

We can suspend this data movement from both the primary and secondary replica. We can also use SSMS GUI, t-SQL, or PowerShell script for this purpose.

Suspend data movement from the primary replica in SQL Server Always On Availability Groups

If we connect to the primary SQL instance and stop data movement, it stops data movement for all connected secondary replicas. SQL Server allows us to 5 synchronous replicas (1 primary and 4 secondaries). We cannot stop data movement for a specific secondary replica from the primary SQL Instance. Once we stop data movement, the primary replica works well and available for the client connections. In case you use readable secondary, your existing connections works along with the new connections.

Suspend data movement from the secondary replica in SQL Server Always On Availability Groups

We can suspend data movement for a specific secondary replica as well. For this requirement, you need to connect the corresponding SQL instance and stop data movement. If we suspend data movement for a specific secondary replica (in case of multiple secondary replicas), it does not impact other replicas, and they continue receiving the data regularly. The local secondary replica database shows status NOT SYNCHRONIZING. In the case of readable secondary, it does not allow new connections, but the existing connection works.

How to suspend data movement in SQL Server Always On Availability Groups

The process to suspend data movement is the same from primary and secondary replica; however, you need to be connected to the appropriate instance.

Connect to the SQL in SSMS, navigate to Always On Availability Groups-> Availability Groups-> Availability Databases.

Suspend data movement in SQL Server Always On Availability Groups

Right-click on the database for which we want to suspend the data movement.

Click on the database options

Alternatively, you can run the following t-SQL to suspend data movement for the [SQLShackDemo] database.

It puts a pause symbol in front of the database to show that data movement is stopped.

Stopped data movement

If you suspend data movement from the primary replica and check the status from the secondary replica, it shows a red-cross mark.

Stopped data movement in secondary

In the AG dashboard, you get warning and errors because databases are not synchronized.

AG dashboard warnings

Impact of suspend data synchronization on the primary replica database

Usually, in a standalone database, SQL Server truncates the log after the log backup. In the synchronous availability group, it also truncates the log on the checkpoint during the log backup as it commits data first at the secondary replica.

Now, if we have paused data synchronization, the primary replica database continues to hold the transaction logs. It won’t truncate the logs despite you take regular transaction log backups. It might fill up your transaction log and cause low disk space issues. Therefore, you should not suspend data movement for a longer duration, especially in the case of a highly OLTP environment. However, if you still get the transaction log full issue, you should consider adding disk space, resume or remove the availability group database.

Resume data movement in SQL Server Always On Availability Groups

To resume the data movement from the primary to the secondary replica, right-click on the availability group database and click on the Resume Data Movement.

Resume data movement

Alternatively, you can run the following t-SQL script as well.

If we had suspended data movement from the primary, you should resume as well from the primary. It resumes data movements for all secondary replicas. However, if we had suspended data movement locally from the secondary instance, you must resume it from the secondary instance. It captures all pending transaction logs and changes the database status to Synchronized\Synchronizing as per your configuration. Your secondary database works in the asynchronous data commit until it has altogether in sync with the primary.

It logs the events in the SQL Server error logs as well. In the below screenshot, we see a few highlighted logs about the suspend, resume, and recovery LSN.

View error logs

Monitor suspend and resume data movement using dynamic management views

We can utilize dynamic management views to monitor data movement from the primary to the secondary replica.

In the below output, we captured the LSN and commit participant details in the following scenario.

  • In the first part, the database is a synchronized state in both replicas
    • It shows value 1 for the is_commit_participant column. It shows that we have synchronized commit mode and both replica participating in the data commit
    • We see the same LSN value in the last_hardended_lsn in both primary and secondary replica. It is also equal to last_sent_lsn in the SQLNode\INST1 instance
  • In the second image, we captured the same output after suspending data movement between primary and secondary replica
    • Since the secondary replica is not participating in commit (suspended state), you can see value 0 for the secondary replica SQLNode\INST1. It shows that even we have configured synchronous data commit but this time, AG working as an asynchronous commit
    • We can see the difference in the last_hardened_lsn of both replicas. In the suspended state, the secondary replica cannot receive the transaction blocks; therefore, it does not apply any logs on the secondary database
  • In the third image, we capture the data after resuming data movement
    • It again marks the is_commit_participant value to 1 because the secondary replica again gets a synchronized status
    • It again matches the last_hardened_lsn for both replicas

Monitor log sequence numbers


In this article, we explored the suspend and resume data movements in SQL Server Always On Availability Groups. You must resume the data movement once your work completes, so that transaction log growth is in control of the primary replica database.

Table of contents

A comprehensive guide to SQL Server Always On Availability Groups on Windows Server 2016
Configure Domain Controller and Active Directory for SQL Server Always On Availability Groups
Configure failover clusters, storage controllers and quorum configurations for SQL Server Always On Availability Groups
Install SQL Server 2019 on Windows Server 2016 with SQL Server Always On Availability Groups
Add a new node into existing SQL Server Always On Availability Groups
Configure Managed Service Accounts for SQL Server Always On Availability Groups
Add or remove a node from SQL Server Always On Availability Groups using T-SQL scripts
Database-level health detection in SQL Server Always On Availability Groups
Automatic Page Repair in SQL Server Always On Availability Groups
Deploy a domain-independent Windows Failover Cluster for SQL Server Always On Availability Groups
Deploy a domain-independent Windows Failover Cluster for SQL Server Always On Availability Groups
An overview of distributed SQL Server Always On Availability Groups
Deploy a distributed SQL Server Always On Availability Group
Monitor and failover a Distributed SQL Server Always On Availability Group
Transparent Data Encryption for SQL Server Always On Availability Groups
Configure SQL Server replication for a database in SQL Server Always On Availability Groups
Configuring SQL Server replication for distribution databases in SQL Server Always On Availability Groups
Explore Cross-database MSDTC for distributed transactions in SQL Server Always On Availability Groups
Deploy MSDTC for distributed transactions in SQL Server Always On Availability Groups
Restore an existing availability group database participating in SQL Server Always On Availability Groups
Exploring AG dashboards for monitoring SQL Server Always On Availability Groups
Backup compression in TDE enabled databases in SQL Server Always On Availability Groups
Impact of dropping a login in the active directory tied to SQL Server Always On Availability Groups
Refresh SQL Server Always On Availability Group databases using DBATools PowerShell
Configure SQL Server Reporting Services databases in SQL Server Always On Availability Groups
Suspend and Resume Data Movement in SQL Server Always On Availability Groups
Explore failover types in SQL Server Always On Availability Groups
Explore SQL Server PolyBase External Tables in SQL Server Always On Availability Groups
SQL Server Always On Availability Groups for SQL Server Linux instances
Column-level SQL Server encryption with SQL Server Always On Availability Groups
Make the most of secondary replicas in SQL Server Always On Availability Groups
Apply SQL Server patches or cumulative updates in SQL Server Always On Availability Groups
Monitor SQL Server Always On Availability groups using extended events
The Hub and Spoke model of policy-based management for SQL Server Always On Availability Groups
Custom policies for AG dashboards of SQL Server Always On Availability Groups
Explore dynamic management views for monitoring SQL Server Always On Availability Groups
Dynamic management views for monitoring availability replicas and databases for SQL Server Always On Availability
Configure SQL Server Always On Availability Groups using Windows PowerShell scripts
Configure Integration Services Catalog Database SSISDB in SQL Server Always On Availability Groups
Synchronize logins between Availability replicas in SQL Server Always On Availability Group
Session timeouts in SQL Server Always On Availability Groups
Lease Timeouts and Health Checks in SQL Server Always On Availability Groups

See more

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Rajendra Gupta
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