SQL Server provides us with two methods in T-SQL to assign a value to a previously created local SQL variable. The first method is the SET statement, the ANSI standard statement that is commonly used for variable value assignment. The second statement is the SELECT statement. In addition to its main usage to form the logic that is used to retrieve data from a database table or multiple tables in SQL Server, the SELECT statement can be used also to assign a value to a previously created local variable directly or from a variable, view or table.
Although both T-SQL statements fulfill the SQL variable value assignment task, there is a number of differences between the SET and SELECT statements that may lead you to choose one of them in specific circumstances, over the other. In this article, we will describe, in detail, when and why to choose between the SET and SELECT T-SQL statements while assigning a value to a variable.
We will start with creating a new table and fill it with few records for our demo. This can be achieved using the below script:
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USE SQLShackDemo GO CREATE TABLE SetVsSelectDemo ( ID INT IDENTITY (1,1) PRIMARY KEY, Name NVARCHAR (50), GroupNumber INT, Grade INT ) GO INSERT INTO SetVsSelectDemo VALUES ('Adel',1,350) INSERT INTO SetVsSelectDemo VALUES ('Faisal',1,240) INSERT INTO SetVsSelectDemo VALUES ('Huda',2,180) INSERT INTO SetVsSelectDemo VALUES ('Zaid',2,170) INSERT INTO SetVsSelectDemo VALUES ('Zaina',3,290) INSERT INTO SetVsSelectDemo VALUES ('John',4,400) INSERT INTO SetVsSelectDemo VALUES ('Igor',4,375) |
The inserted data can be checked using the following SELECT statement:
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SELECT * FROM SetVsSelectDemo |
And the data will be shown as below:
If we manage to assign a scalar value for the SQL variable that is previously defined using the DECLARE statement, both the SET and SELECT statements will achieve the target in the same way. The below SET statement is used to assign the @EmpName1 variable with the scalar “Ali” value:
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DECLARE @EmpName1 NVARCHAR(50) SET @EmpName1 = 'Ali' PRINT @EmpName1 GO |
In the same way, the below SELECT statement can be used to assign the @EmpName2 variable with the scalar “Ali” value:
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DECLARE @EmpName2 NVARCHAR(50) SELECT @EmpName2 = 'Ali' PRINT @EmpName2 GO |
The assigned values for the variables in the previous queries will be printed in the Messages tab as shown below:
SQL Server allows us to assign value for a SQL variable from a database table or view. The below query is used to assign the @EmpName variable the Name column value of the third group members from the SetVsSelectDemo table using the SET statement:
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DECLARE @EmpName NVARCHAR(50) SET @EmpName = (SELECT [Name] FROM SetVsSelectDemo WHERE GroupNumber = 3) PRINT @EmpName GO |
The SELECT statement can be also used to perform the same assignment task in a different way as shown below:
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DECLARE @EmpName NVARCHAR(50) SELECT @EmpName = [Name] FROM SetVsSelectDemo WHERE GroupNumber = 3 PRINT @EmpName GO |
The results of the previous two queries will be displayed in the Messages tab as shown below:
Until this point, you can see that both the SET and SELECT statements can perform the variable value assignment task in the same way and differ from the code side only.
Multiple SQL Variables
Assume that we need to assign values to multiple variables at one shot. The SET statement can assign value to one variable at a time; this means that, if we need to assign values for two variables, we need to write two SET statements. In the below example, each variable requires a separate SET statement to assign it scalar value, before printing it:
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DECLARE @EmpName1 NVARCHAR(50) , @EmpName2 NVARCHAR(50) SET @EmpName1 = 'Ali' SET @EmpName2 = 'Fadi' PRINT @EmpName1 PRINT @EmpName2 GO |
On the other hand, the SELECT statement can be used to assign values to the previously defined multiple SQL variables using one SELECT statement. The below SELECT statement can be easily used to assign scalar values to the two variables using one SELECT statement before printing it:
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DECLARE @EmpName1 NVARCHAR(50) , @EmpName2 NVARCHAR(50) SELECT @EmpName1 = 'Ali', @EmpName2 = 'Fadi' PRINT @EmpName1 PRINT @EmpName2 GO |
You can see from the printed result below, that both statements achieve the same task, with the SELECT statement better than the SET statement when trying to assign values to multiple variables due to code simplicity:
Again, if we try to assign values from database table to multiple variables, it requires us SET statements equal to the number of variables. In our example, we need two SET statements to assign values from the SetVsSelectDemo table to the @EmpName and @EmpGrade variables as shown in the script below:
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DECLARE @EmpName NVARCHAR(50), @EmpGrade INT SET @EmpName = (SELECT [Name] FROM SetVsSelectDemo WHERE GroupNumber = 3) SET @EmpGrade = (SELECT [Grade] FROM SetVsSelectDemo WHERE GroupNumber = 3) PRINT @EmpName PRINT @EmpGrade GO |
On the other hand, only one SELECT statement can be used to assign values from the SetVsSelectDemo table to the @EmpName and @EmpGrade SQL variables, using simpler query as shown clearly below:
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DECLARE @EmpName NVARCHAR(50), @EmpGrade INT SELECT @EmpName=[Name] , @EmpGrade =[Grade] FROM SetVsSelectDemo WHERE GroupNumber = 3 PRINT @EmpName PRINT @EmpGrade GO |
It is obvious from the previous two queries that the query that is using the SELECT statement is more efficient than the one using the SET statement when assigning values to multiple variables at the same time, due to the fact that, the SET statement can only assign one variable at a time. The similar results of the previous two queries that are printed in the Messages tab will be like the below in our case:
Multiple values
The second point, in which the difference between assigning values to the SQL variables using the SELECT or SET statements appears, is when the result set of the subquery query that is used to assign a value to the variable returns more than one value. In this case, the SET statement will return an error as it accepts only one scalar value from the subquery to assign it to the variable, while the SELECT statement accepts that situation, in which the subquery will return multiple values, without raising any error. You will not, though, have any control on which value will be assigned to the variable, where the last value returned from the subquery will be assigned to the variable.
Assume that we need to assign the Name value of the second group from the previously created SetVsSelectDemo table to the @EmpName SQL variable. Recall that the second group on that table contains two records in the result set as shown below:
The script that is used to assign the @EmpName variable value from the SetVsSelectDemo table using the SET and SELECT statements will be like:
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DECLARE @EmpName NVARCHAR(50) SET @EmpName = (SELECT [Name] FROM SetVsSelectDemo WHERE GroupNumber = 2) PRINT @EmpName GO DECLARE @EmpName NVARCHAR(50) SELECT @EmpName = [Name] FROM SetVsSelectDemo WHERE GroupNumber = 2 PRINT @EmpName GO |
Due to the fact that, the subquery statement returned two records, assigning value to the @EmpName SQL variable using the SET statement will fail, as the SET statement can assign only single value to the variables. This is not the case when assigning value to the @EmpName variable using the SELECT statement that will succeed with no error, assigning the name from the second returned record, which is “Zaid”, to the variable as shown in the result messages below:
We can learn from the previous result that, when you expect that the subquery will return more than one value, it is better to use the SET statement to assign value to the variable by implementing a proper error handling mechanism, rather than using the SELECT statement that will assign the last returned value to the SQL variable, with no error returned to warn us that the subquery returned multiple values.
Assign no value
Another difference between assigning values to the SQL variables using the SET and SELECT statements, is when the subquery that is used to assign a value to the variable return no value. If the previously declared variable has no initial value, both the SET and SELECT statement will act in the same way, assigning NULL value to that variable.
Assume that we need to assign the @EmpName variable, with no initial value, the Name of the fifth group from the SetVsSelectDemo table. Recall that this table has no records that belong to the fifth group as shown below:
The script that is used to assign the value to the @EmpName variable from the SetVsSelectDemo table will be like:
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DECLARE @EmpName NVARCHAR(50) SET @EmpName = (SELECT [Name] FROM SetVsSelectDemo WHERE GroupNumber = 5) SELECT @EmpName AS SET_Name GO DECLARE @EmpName NVARCHAR(50) SELECT @EmpName = [Name] FROM SetVsSelectDemo WHERE GroupNumber = 5 SELECT @EmpName AS SELECT_Name GO |
Having no initial value for the @EmpName variable, and no value returned from the subquery, a NULL value will be assigned to that variable in both cases as shown clearly in the result message below:
If the previously declared SQL variable has an initial value, and the subquery that is used to assign a value to the variable returns no value, the SET and SELECT statement will behave in different ways. In this case, the SET statement will override the initial value of the variable and return the NULL value. On the contrary, the SELECT statement will not override the initial value of the variable and will return it, if no value is returned from the assigning subquery.
If we arrange again to assign the @EmpName variable, the Name of the fifth group from the SetVsSelectDemo table, recalling that this table has no records that belong to the fifth group, but this time, after setting an initial value for the @EmpName SQL variable during the variable declaration, using the SET and SELECT statements, as shown in the script below:
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DECLARE @EmpName NVARCHAR(50)='Sanya' SET @EmpName = (SELECT [Name] FROM SetVsSelectDemo WHERE GroupNumber = 5) SELECT @EmpName AS SET_Name GO DECLARE @EmpName NVARCHAR(50)='Sanya' SELECT @EmpName = [Name] FROM SetVsSelectDemo WHERE GroupNumber = 5 SELECT @EmpName AS SELECT_Name GO |
Taking into consideration that the assigning subquery retuned no value, the query that used the SET statement to assign value to the SQL variable will override the initial value of the variable, returning NULL value, while the query that used the SELECT statement to assign value to the variable will keep the initial value with no change as no value is returned from the subquery, as shown clearly in the results below:
SQL Server provides us with two main methods that are used to assign values to the SQL variables. In most cases, both the SET and SELECT statements fulfill the variable value assignment task with no issue. In some situations, you may prefer using one over the other, such as:
- If you manage to assign values to multiple variables directly or from a database table, it is better to use the SELECT statement, that requires one statement only, over the SET statement due to coding simplicity
- If you are following the ANSI standard for code migration purposes, use the SET statement for SQL variables values assignment, as the SELECT statement does not follow the ANSI standard
- If the assigning subquery returns multiple values, using the SET statement to assign value to a variable will raise an error as it only accepts a single value, where the SELECT statement will assign the last returned value from the subquery to the variable, with no control from your side
- If the assigning subquery returns no value, the SET statement will override the variable initial value to NULL, while the SELECT statement will not override its initial value
See more
To boost SQL coding productivity, check out these SQL tools for SSMS and Visual Studio including T-SQL formatting, refactoring, auto-complete, text and data search, snippets and auto-replacements, SQL code and object comparison, multi-db script comparison, object decryption and more

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