Query the sys.dm_xe_objects table, and look at the rpc_completed event row.

Using SQL Server Extended Events to debug applications

July 3, 2020 by

Introduction Often enough, multilayer software has bugs. SQL Server Extended Events system offers tools that can help find those bugs. A bug can happen in any layer – data, logic, or presentation. To fix those bugs, it helps to see the exact parameters and values that the presentation layer sends to the data layer. As […]

How to use SQL Server Extended Events to parse Deadlock XML and generate statistical reports

June 29, 2017 by

Introduction Context In previous article entitled “How to report on SQL Server deadlock occurrences“, we’ve seen how to extract deadlock information from either system_health or specialized Extended Event and store this information into a table in a SQL Server database. We also discussed a simple report which leads to the creation of a deadlock occurrences […]

Deep dive into SQL Server Extended events – The Event Pairing target

May 30, 2017 by

Extended event sessions can use multiple targets to store captured information. We should use different targets depending on the type of data we are capturing and the structure of the data outcome we desire. The available targets include the following: event counter, ring buffer, event file, histogram, event tracing for Windows (ETW), and Event Pairing.